Ananda Mohan College, Kolkata
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102/1, Raja Rammohan Sarani , Kolkata (Kolkata Dist.) - 700009
West Bengal
Ananda Mohan College is one of the leading undergraduate evening colleges in Kolkata. It belongs to ...
St. Xavier's College (SXC), Kolkata
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30 Park Street (30 Mother Teresa Sarani) , Kolkata (Kolkata Dist.) - 700016
West Bengal
A Christian Minority Higher Educational Institution, St. Xavier's was founded in 1860 by a Catholic ...
Maulana Azad College, Kolkata
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8,Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road, , Kolkata (Kolkata Dist.) - 700013
West Bengal
The college has a 5 acre campus in the heart of the city of Kolkata which comprises one heritage ...
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