Nabajyoti College, Barpeta
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P.O.- Kalgachia , Barpeta (Barpeta Dist.) - 781319
Nabajyoti College has been playing the pivotal role in disseminating knowledge and imparting higher ...
Milanjyoti College, Barpeta
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P.O:- Barbala , Barpeta (Barpeta Dist.) - 781316
It was 1997 when Milanjyoti College came into existence under the Principalship of Abdur Rashid ...
BH College, Barpeta
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P.O. Howly , Barpeta (Barpeta Dist.) - 781 316
Historically famous and conveniently situated, Barbarijhar Reserve is the location of the College. ...
Bapujee College, Barpeta
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P.O. - Sarthebari, Barpeta , Barpeta (Barpeta Dist.) - 781 307
Bapujee College came into existence as a result of the untiring effort of a few far-sighted and ...
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