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Rubber Technology |
Rubber technology is a specialized field of science that comprises the study of transformation of ru.. |
Purchase Management |
Purchasing managers are responsible for buying variety materials- from stationary to materials used .. |
Safety Management |
Safety management /Industrial safety is a branch of management which deals with the study of prevent.. |
Textile Technology |
Textile Engineering is the study of textile production, processing and it's compatibility for the us.. |
Leather Technology |
The Indian leather industry which is the fourth largest export industry in the world, is growing by .. |
Footwear Technology |
Footwear technology has come a long way from traditional shoemakers cutting and stitching leather, t.. |
Floriculture |
Floriculture or flower farming as it is popularly called is a discipline of Horticulture, and is the.. |
Fishery Science |
Fisheries Science is an academic discipline of managing and understanding fisheries. This is a multi.. |
Sericulture |
Sericulture refers to the conscious mass-scale rearing of silk producing organisms to obtain silk. M.. |
Logistics |
Logistics management also known as Supply Chain Management (SCM) is all the activities that take pla.. |