City Union Bank Education Loan
Monday, February 24, 2025
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CUB Vidyavani - City Union Bank Education Loan Scheme

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City Union Bank Education Loan Scheme - CUB Vidyavani, aims to provide financial support to deserving/meritorious students for pursuing higher education in India and abroad. The Scheme also aims to provide financial assistance to the needy poor to undertake basic education.

Eligibility : 


To be eligible for educational loan, the candidate


a) For Study in India

b) Studies abroad:

Loan Details

Coverage of expenses 

Quantum : 

Need based finance subject to the repayment capacity of parents/students subject to a maximum of -

Scale if Finance:

Margin :

Upto 4 lakhs – Nil
Above Rs. 4.00 lakhs

- Scholarship/Assistantship to be included in Margin.
- Margin may be brought in on a year to year basis as and when disbursements are made on a pro-rata basis.

Security :

Capability Certificate:

The bank can also issue the Capability Certificate for students going abroad for higher studies after obtaining the relevant supporting documents from the applicant.

Rate of Interest

For interest rate check out this link, CUB Interest Rate


Other Conditions:

In case student/parents approach for educational loan after having completed one/two semesters/years, such loans based on future expenses can be considered, provided the student has cleared all the papers in the previous exams.
- If any of the loans of the borrower/co-obligant / guarantor is in default, no loan will be entertained under this scheme till account/s become regular.

1.Life of student should be insured.
2.Life insurance policy should be assigned in favour of the bank.
3) No Due certificate need not be insisted upon as a precondition for considering educational loan. However, branches may obtain a declaration / an affidavit confirming that no loans are availed from other banks.
4) Loan applications have to be disposed of within a period of 15 days to one month

General :

- If the fees have already been paid to the college on account of urgency/payment before the stipulated date by borrowing from the friends/relatives/outsiders/institutions by availing loans, the bank may consider the loan under the scheme for payment of such dues provided sufficient material proof is provided for payment of such fees and also for availment of loans from friends/relatives/outsiders. In such case, the payment should be made direct to the persons from whom borrowed and receipts should be obtained and kept on record.
- If the college/institution indicates arrears of fees for the previous year (not yet paid by the student) it may also be considered for finance.
- If the student has paid fees for certain semester/s and seeks loan for subsequent semesters, the fees paid for earlier semester may be taken as margin and full (100%) fees may be advanced for subsequent semester/ years, provided original receipts for earlier years are provided to the bank for verification and Xerox copies thereof have to be obtained for our records.

Contact Details

Administrative Office:

City Union Bank Ltd.,
"Narayana" No.24 B, Gandhi Nagar,
Phone : 0435-2432322, 2431622
Fax : 0435-2431746
E-mail : Contact Now
Website : visit


Click here for the nearest bank branches

Note : Since the rules, regulations, eligibility conditions, repayments and interests rates etc. are revised by the banks from time to time in keeping pace with the changing capital market conditions, students and parents are advised to thoroughly check the terms and conditions of educational loan scheme on offer at the time of application.

   Study Abroad Loan , Professional Education Loan

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