The Department of Sociology was established by the University of Delhi in 1959 as a constituent of the Delhi School of Economics. To begin with, the Department trained students for two courses: M.A. and Ph.D. In 1966 a two-year course for the M.Litt. degree was introduced. This has been replaced since 1976 by an M.Phil. degree course of a year's duration. In 1968, the Department was recognised as a Centre of Advanced Study (CAS) in Sociology by the University Grants Commission (UGC). The department receives a renewable five-year grant from the UGC under the CAS scheme. The UGC also provided a five-year grant under its ASHISS (Assistance for Strengthening of the Infrastructure of the Humanities and Social Sciences) program for departmental infrastructure as well as research on State and Society. At present the strength of the faculty includes eight Professors, ten Readers, one Lecturer, and two Research Associates. In addition, there are eleven members in the office staff.
Library: The Ratan Tata Library, located in the Delhi School of Economics, is one of the best equipped libraries in sociology and other social sciences. The total collection at present is about 1,50,000 volumes of books and bound periodicals. Current periodicals, with complete holdings of back files for most of them, are received in the library. In addition, a large number of periodicals in the field of sociology and social anthropology are received in the Central library of the University.
Computer Facilities : The Department has limited computer and internet facilities for the students. Two computer rooms with nine computer terminals are available for the use of students on the first floor of the extension wing of the Department. Please read the rules regarding the usage of this facility here.
Hostel Facility
The residential units of the University are situated on the University campus. Men students can apply for residential accommodation in Gwyer Hall, Jubilee Hall, University Post-Graduate Men’s Hostel, V.K.R.V Rao Hostel, D.S. Kothari Hostel and Mansarovar Hostel. Women students can apply in the University Hostel for Women, Meghdoot Hostel, North Eastern Students’ House for Women, International Students Hostel for Women and Ambedkar-Ganguli Students’ House for Women.
Accommodation in the residential units is available for a limited number of students of the Department admitted to M.A., M. Phil. and Ph. D. courses. Applications for accommodation must be made on the prescribed form obtainable from offices of the university hostels. The applications must reach the hostel concerned on or before the date prescribed by the respective hostels. Students are advised to apply in more than one hostel to improve their chances of obtaining accommodation. However, hostel admissions are not guaranteed for every student.