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Sarvajanik College of Science

MTB College Campus, Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Opposite Chaupati, Athwalines, Surat , Surat - 395001
District: Surat (Gujarat)
Contact Institute
Established      :    1960
Affiliated to     :    Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
Approved By    :    -

Courses Offered by Sarvajanik College of Science

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Placement Records

Sarvajanik College of Science came into existence formally in June 1960. However, its beginning can be traced to a period as early as 1927, when for the first time after the establishment of the Arts College in 1918; the Sarvajanik Education Society (SES) took steps to provide facilities for the teaching of the science courses in its college. In that same year, when Shri D. R. Gadgil was the Principal of the college, the University of Bombay granted permission for the teaching course in group A and B, and accordingly an intermediate science class was opened. In 1930, under the inspiring leadership of the Principal, Shri N. M. Shah, the society thought of developing a Science Institute which could provide instruction leading to the B.Sc. degree in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Biology. But the difficulties, which were lying in their way, were not easy to surmount. The University of Bombay was thinking of bifurcating the Arts and Science Courses from the very first year of collegiate education. The financial position of the society was not strong enough to permit the construction of a spacious building for a Science Institute. However, the construction of the Science building started in 1934. The ground floor of the new building became ready by June 1935. The University of Bombay thereupon, granted the affiliation to the M.T.B. College, for the teaching of the Intermediate Science Course of group B (Chemistry, Physics and Biology) and the B.Sc. Courses (Principal and Subordinate) in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and for B.A. Honors and Pass in Physics and Chemistry.

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 Course(s) Offered by Sarvajanik College of Science  in Chemistry
M.Phil. Chemistry
1 .
1-2 years