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Ahmednagar College

Station Road , Ahmednagar - 414001
District: Ahmednagar (Maharashtra)
Contact Institute
Established      :    1947
Affiliated to     :    Savitribai Phule Pune University
Approved By    :    -

Courses Offered by Ahmednagar College

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Ahmednagar College was founded in 1947 by the late Dr.B.P.Hivale with the support and co-operation of the American Marathi Mission, Bombay, the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Boston, Minnepolis, Minnesota, the late Mr. William H. Danforth of St. Louis, Missouri and a number of other individual friends and groups. In the sixty years of its existence, its strength has grown from 300 students to more than 7,000 in the current year.It is situated on a 55 acre campus in the heart of Ahmednagar City, where a physical plant has come up to college campus. Ahmednagar College, the first and the oldest institution of Ahmednagar District. A premier institution of learning for traditional as well as new-age subjects, the name of the college is synonymous with Quality Education. It is affiliated to the University of Pune.

0241-2359571 Ext. 242
View All Courses Conducted by Ahmednagar College
 Course(s) Offered by Ahmednagar College  in Chemistry
B.Sc. Chemistry | M.Sc. Organic Chemistry
1 .
Must have passed HSC exam from Maharashtra State Board of Higher education or examination recognized as equivalent
3 Years
No. of Seats
80 Seats
Approved By/ Affiliated To
Savitribai Phule Pune University
2 .
Must have passed Science Degree exam from any university or examination recognisezed as equivalent
2 Years
Admission Procedure
Selection Through Entrance Exam
No. of Seats
24 Seats
Approved By/ Affiliated To
Savitribai Phule Pune University