The School of Earth Sciences is established in the year 1995 along with the inception of the University. The disastrous Killari earthquake of September 30 1993 created an urgent need for study of Earth Sciences in this region for a closer study of this phenomenon and to develop the expertise locally to have a closer interaction with the local populace in managing and mitigating this particular hazard. In addition to this, proper utilization of geospatial technologies as well as the environmental awareness and expertise for the safe, sustainable development of the area is also an immediate need. Therefore the School of Earth Sciences started with a two year PG program in Geology in 1995 and at present offers three PG programs (two year) in Geology, Environmental Sciences and Geography. School is offering one year PG Diploma in ‘Geoinformatics’ from the academic year 2010-11. It is also re-introducing PG course in ‘Geophysics’ from the academic year 2010-11. In addition to PG courses & PG Diploma course school also offers M.Phil in ‘Geography’ & ‘Environmental Sciences’. It also offers Ph.D. course(s) in ‘Geology’, ‘Environmental Sciences’, ‘Geography’ & ‘Geophysics’.
Laboratories:The school is provided with spacious class rooms and laboratories to cater the needs of teaching and research. Separate computer laboratory with computers, printers, scanners, state of the art geosciences and environmental soft ware are also available for students use. A 24 hour unlimited Wi-fi internet connectivity is also provided to the students in the school.
Museum:School has a Geology museum which consists of variety of geological rock, minerals, ore & fossil samples, beautiful geomorphic models and self explanatory educative charts.The School has got state of the art instrumentation for geological, geochemical, geophysical, geographical and environmental studies. All these instruments are used to give hands on training to the students.
Library:School has good Departmental Library developed out of donations and collections