Thursday, February 20, 2025
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Oceanography : Eligibility & Course Areas

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Those with graduation in pure science can go for a course in oceanography. In almost all cases mathematics is required as well.  

A doctorate, a masters degree in any basic science is essential to commence marine research. Most of the courses in oceanography are of three years duration. 

As the work is highly specialised professional training is mandatory for a career in this field. Specialised branches of oceanography are chemical, geological, physical and marine biology. The most prestigious institutes conducting courses in this field are: IIT Madras, Mumbai Institute of Technology, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Annamalai University and Karnataka Engineering College.

Personal attributes:

Love for the ocean, sea-worthiness (should not be seasick), a sense of adventure, physical stamina, enduring patience, ability to withstand boredom and loneliness, a curious and analytical mind, co-operative nature to work in a team, love for exploring new places and appreciative of nature and its wonders. Apart from all these knowledge of swimming and diving are essential attributes.


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