Foreign Language
Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Foreign Language : Job Prospects & Career Options

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Job prospects vary from secretarial, executive and public relation assignments as well as for translation and interpretation jobs. Translators are employed with industries, publishing houses, research and government organisations such as the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and embassies etc. Companies such as HP, Oracle, Samsung, Hyundai, LG, Thomson, GE, Aventis, Moulinex etc are employing language experts. Other job opportunities for a language specialist are travel and tourism sector, hotel industry, exhibitions and fairs, airline offices, export agencies, radio stations, trade organizations and teaching. For pursuing a career in teaching, a teacher should be a graduate in that foreign language and must have a teaching degree. 

Nature of Work
Opportunities for regular employment are few ,attaining professional qualification in foreign languages, one can work in the following areas.

TEACHING: The most common of all the available career options in foreign language is teaching. language. As a teacher, a person get enough opportunities to increase the skills. As far as teaching jobs are concerned, many institutions are offering courses in foreign languages and so jobs exists at all levels. Those reluctant to engage themselves in a full-time profession, can take private tuition as well.

INTERPRETERS AND TRANSLATORS: Interpreters and translators both need to have a good command over two or more languages. Interpreters job relates to interpreting spoken words of one language into another, therefore needs to have not only good command over the language but have excellent verbal communication skills.

The job of an interpreter can be of different types. Sometimes they are engaged in simultaneous interpretation, which is used for meetings, conferences, speeches etc. Here the interpreters sits in a sound proof room and listens to speeches and almost spontaneously interprets it in the target language into a microphone. The other type of interpreting are consecutive interpreting and liaison interpreting. Consecutive interpreting goes on during formal speeches where the speaker halts for a while when the interpreter interprets the spoken statements to the audience. Liaison interpreting is to facilitate conversation between to people knowing different languages. Interpreters accompany business groups and official delegations on overseas trips and are in great demand for technical translation.

Translation work can be related to a variety of fields like technical, scientific literary or business. Translators work on books, scripts, articles and translate them into specified languages. Apart from having linguistic skills, a translator must possess adequate knowledge in the area of the work so as to maintain the style and essence of the original text.

FREELANCING: Often, after pursuing courses in foreign languages, people like to work as freelancers. These people get work in translation bureaus, research organisations, international organisations like UNO, FAO, foreign companies, Reserve Bank of India, publishing houses etc. Expertise in foreign language coupled with other additional qualifications in areas like management, tourism, hospitality industry, airlines can be even fruitful and better the chances for employment opportunities.


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