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Psychology : Job Prospects & Career Options

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The nature of work of a psychologist is influenced most by the areas of specialisation in the subject. They work in a number of different settings, including universities and colleges, primary and secondary schools, government agencies, private industry, hospitals, clinics, and private practices. They are also employed in social welfare organizations, research establishments, rehabilitation centres, prisons, child/ youth guidance centres, advertising industry and in a variety of other set-ups. 

Psychologist with master's degree, work under the supervision of one or more doctoral level psychologists. Those with bachelor's degree are eligible for jobs in community health centers and vocational rehabilitations and as administrative assistants. 

Career Options

Career prospects in Psychology depend on the area of specialization. There are variety of options for psychologists. They can specialise in various areas such as

Clinical Psychologists - Clinical Psychologists work in counseling centers, independent or group practices, hospitals, community health centers or clinics. They help mentally and emotionally disturbed clients adjust to life and may help medical and surgical patients deal with illnesses or injuries. Areas of specialization within clinical psychology include health psychology, neuro psychology, and gero psychology.

Counseling Psychologists - Counseling is the skill of helping normal people, through discussion, to decide how best to cope in specific situations. Counseling psychologists deals with people who have serious emotional and personal problems. They use various techniques, including interviewing and testing, to advise people on how to deal with problems of everyday living.

Social Psychologists - Social psychologists work with social organisations and institutions in research, systems design or other applied psychology fields. They seek to understand the nature and causes of individual behaviour with others and with the social environment.

Educational Psychologists - They work in schools and colleges with teachers, students, parents and administrators to resolve students learning and behaviour problems. They may evaluate the effectiveness of academic programs, behavior management procedures, and other services provided in the school setting.

Industrial Psychologists - Industrial psychologists work for business, industry or government. They apply psychological principles and research methods to the workplace to improve the working conditions and productivity of employees. They also advise companies on ways of getting consumers interested in products and services.

Research psychologists -As researchers, psychologists proceed like scientists. They investigate the physical, cognitive, emotional, or social aspects of human behavior. They use laboratory experiments and various kinds of tests, interviews, questionnaires and surveys. Prominent areas of study in experimental research include motivation, thought, attention, learning and memory, sensory and perceptual processes, effects of substance abuse, and genetic and neurological factors affecting behavior.

Developmental psychologists - They study the physiological, cognitive, and social development that takes place throughout life. Some specialize in behavior during infancy, childhood, and adolescence, or changes that occur during maturity or old age.


The work of a professional psychologist is challenging and highly remunerative. Earnings depend on qualification, area of specialisation and experience. The highest- paying position is for psychologists having M.Phil and Ph.D degree. Remunerations in the corporate sector are the highest, though salaries vary according to the level of involvement and the job profile.

At the entry level the remuneration varies approximately from Rs. 7000/- to Rs.10000/-. Established consultants in any of the fields of specialization can earn at an average between Rs.10000 to Rs.15,000 or even more. Those are in private practice have much more earnings.

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