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Most Business schools in India teach finance as a specialization of MBA curriculum. The basic qualification to this 2 year fulltime programme is graduation in any discipline and the admission is based on written test, group discussion and interview. Some institutes offer executive MBA program in Finance for those who have some years of experience in the field. Apart from MBA, many certificate, diploma, graduate and postgraduate courses helps one to enter the profession. Some of the available courses on Financial management are Chartered Financial Analysis (CFA), Chartered Accountancy, Cost and Management Accountancy, Certified Treasury manager course, Certified Public Accountant course, Certified Investment Banker course, Certified Risk and Insurance Management course etc. The minimum educational qualification to join these courses is graduation in Commerce or Economics.
Personal Skill :
One who aspires to become a Financial Manager should have an
excellent grounding in financial analysis, creative thinking and should
possess good communicative and interpersonal skill. One
must keep on updating the knowledge about the subject and the current
global- national financial scenario. They should have the love for numbers,
good mathematical and analytical skills, knowledge of latest computer
technology, integrity, problem-solving, decision-making and organization
skills. They must have the idea about the corporate system and be aware
of all the tax and other financial laws regarding their industry. As Financial
Managers have to work extensively with various departments in a firm,
a broad understanding of business is essential. Proficiency in any foreign
language is an added advantage in this profession.
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