Web Designing
Saturday, January 25, 2025
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Web Designing : Introduction

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Web designing is an integral and significant part of the IT industry. Today, it is a promising career option. Web design services are being applied in almost every walk of life be it industries, business, education both in private and public sectors. In this era, most of the organizations already have their own websites and many more feel it essential to host websites and make their presence felt in the World Wide Web. There are even companies that have their own in house web team as a professionally designed web site has become as necessary as that of an accounting department. This has increased the demand for web designing professionals. 

Web design is a design field concerned with designing web pages, websites and web applications. Web Designing is the process by which web designer make visitors able to access the web pages at one platform with several images, texts, links, graphics etc. Web design is used as a general term to describe any of the various tasks involved in creating a web page. More specifically, it refers to jobs focused on building the front-end of a web page. Web designing has now become one of the most popular ways of creating attractive web sites as it can give the most appealing layout to any web site thereby adding to its popularity.

In the present fast paced world of web related product promotion services, many firms put their trust on web designers to make websites as accessible and appealing as possible, to promote their business. In this sense, Web designing is a medium used by companies to promote their business and corporate agencies to market several products to the customers.

A Web Designer is a person that creates and arranges the pages that make up a website. Web designers are responsible for creating the look and feel of World Wide Web pages for a client's Web site by designing the layout, the colors, the fonts, and all the visual aspects of the site. Web Designers often have to balance how a page looks versus how a web page functions. Web designers must have an understanding of software functionality as well as graphic design skills to create successful Web pages. Web design services broadly include need analysis, solution designing, web content writing, web content planning, product photography, graphic designing, designing Flash, HTML coding and Java scripting. Many web designers concentrate mainly on designing software's or editors and leave the coding part to the programmers. Even if you plan on using designing software's for most of your career, knowing HTML will give you an understanding of the basis of a web page and that will in turn help to make your design more effective.

To create a website is like creating a master piece of art that has all the aesthetics, attractive appeal along with the commercial viability. The role of a web designer is very much important in website development as designing makes the web pages more attracting and user friendly. The look and feel of a website makes quite an impact on the viewers. Accessibility is just as important as data. Web designing is also considered to be a form of art where the website designers try to make the websites more visually appealing as well as make the navigation through the website i.e how a visitor get around from one page to another on a Web site, a hassle free task. Web designing is a sort of marketing tool, in the sense that product or services are made known to public and even online deals can be made.

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