AKS Fellowship Program for Korean Studies
Friday, February 7, 2025
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AKS Fellowship Program for Korean Studies

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Category :
Research Programs
Subject Areas :
Research program in Korean studies
Fellowship Provided by :
Academy of Korean Studies (AKS)
Fellowship Provided to :
International scholars and doctoral candidatesto conduct research in Korea

Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) offers AKS Fellowship Program for Korean Studies to international scholars and doctoral candidates, with an opportunity to carry out their research (dissertation research). The Academy of Korean Studies, founded by the government on June 30, 1978, is at the forefront of research into the social sciences in Korea and as its primary aim has taken on the task of overcoming the ethical confusion that has emerged alongside rapid industrialization.

The Academy of Korean Studies was established to revitalize the field of Korean Studies by conducting in-depth research on Korean culture from both humanities and social science and offering education on related subjects.

Fellowship Amount :

The fellowship period should begin within the coming year (January 1 and December 31). The applicants can apply for minimum one month to maximum one-year support.

Each Fellow may expect to receive the benefits including

Please note that academy not offer monthly stipend for research period less than 15 days and offer full monthly stipend for research period 15 or more days


Those who completed their Ph.D. courses at Korean schools or institutions are ineligible for pre-doctoral fellowship

Those who have received AKS fellowship within the last 3 years (based on application submission date are ineligible for this program).

Selection Criteria

All applications are reviewed by the screening committee. The criteria for the screening are as follows:

How to Apply :

Foreign residents are welcome to apply through  fellowship@aks.ac.kr

Fellows are expected to submit their research paper and present research results at AKS Colloquium before the termination of their research period

Fellows should inform AKS when the research results are published and should submit 2 copies of the publication. Publication resulted from this program should acknowledge the support from the AKS Fellowship Program

For detail instruction of the application procedure : http://intl.aks.ac.kr/english/viewtopic.php?t=531

*Applicants should submit the required documents (scan file) by e-mail only

Required Documents

Obligations of Fellowship Recipients


Useful Contact

Academy of Korean Studies (AKS)
323 Haogae-ro, Bundang-gu,
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do,
13455, Republic of Korea
Tel:  +82-31-709-8111
Email: Contact Now
Website: intl.aks.ac.kr

   fellowships abroad , fellowships in Korea , Korea education , fellowship for Korean Studies

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