German Chancellor Fellowships for Prospective Leaders
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
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German Chancellor Fellowships for prospective leaders

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Category :
Research Fellowships
Research Areas :
Politics, Public Administration, Business and Culture 
Fellowship Provided by :
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Provided to :

Prospective leaders from Brazil, China, India, Russia and the USA

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation provides German Chancellor Fellowship Program for prospective leaders from the United States, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, Brazil and India who have an international outlook and initial leadership experience. 

During their stay in Germany, the German Chancellor Fellows usually pursue research-based, self developed projects in the areas such as politics, public administration and business as well as society and culture at host institutions. 

During their stay in Germany, fellows will be able to expand their specialist knowledge and gain new international experience whilst enhancing their intercultural skills and thus enabling them to develop into successful leaders.

This fellowship program is under the patronage of the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and is financed by the Federal Foreign Office.

What does it cover?

German Chancellor Fellowship is granted for 50 fellows for twelve months every year – up to ten of which go to prospective
leaders from each of the five countries. The Fellows will receive


Applicant should

• Be a national of Brazil, China, India, Russia or the USA 
• Hold Bachelor’s or equivalent academic degree completed less than twelve years before the beginning of the fellowship (1 October of the year following application)
• Possess initial leadership experience with a preponderantly academic background in addition to their own research activity
• Work in a sector such as politics, economics, the media, administration and culture
• Draw up their project plan independently and discuss it with their intended host prior to application
• A detailed statement, including confirmation of supervision, by the host in Germany
• Two references by individuals qualified to comment on the candidate’s professional, personal and/or academic background

Potential applicants who have been in Germany for more than six months immediately prior to the application deadline (15 September) may not apply.
Potential applicants who have already been sponsored by the Humboldt Foundation are not eligible to apply for one of the Foundation’s other fellowships but should seek support for a further stay in Germany from the Foundation’s Alumni Programme.

Selection Procedure

Applicants are selected according to the following criteria:

• previous career and leadership potential
• significance of fellowship for further career development
• potential to build bridges between home country and Germany
• international outlook and future role as an international leader
• existing knowledge to help complete the project successfully
• relevance of the project for the dialogue of modern societies

How to apply

The mode of applying is online. The completed application form should be submitted along with the necessary additional documents. A confirmation of receipt will be issued immediately after the application has been submitted.

For further information about application process and all necessary documents as well as access to the online application system please visit the website


Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Jean-Paul-Str. 1253173 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0)228-833-0
Fax: +49 (0)228-833-199
Email: Contact Now

   abroad fellowship , fellowships in Germany

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