Hornby Scholarship
Friday, March 28, 2025
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Hornby Scholarship

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Areas of Study :
English language
Level :
Scholarship Funded by :
A S Hornby Educational Trust
Provided to :

Teachers of English language for a one year M.A. level study in the United Kingdom.

The Hornby Scholarship is a yearly scholarship provided to teachers of English language for a one year M.A. level study in the United Kingdom. This scholarship is offered by Hornby Educational Trust and the British Council in partnership to provide development opportunities for teachers, trainers and English Language professionals in transitional and developing countries. The Hornby Scholarship covers full tuition fees for a student pursuing a one-year full time Master's degree in an English Language Teaching (ELT) related subject in the UK.

The A S Hornby Educational Trust was established in 1961 by A S Hornby, an English language teacher in Japan, who authored the first Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (OALD). The Trust supports the teachings of English as a foreign language through local partnership initiatives with the British Council and by awarding scholarships to English language teachers from developing countries and countries in transition. The Trust focuses on supporting key English language specialists, such as senior teachers, teacher-trainers, inspectors and material writers by offering MA scholarships through the British Council to enable them to study the English language and teaching theory and practice for an academic year in the UK. Graduates are then encouraged to use this knowledge to advance the teaching of English in their home countries.


Candidates should:

Only applications for full time UK based ELT Diploma or Masters courses are eligible for Hornby Trust funding.

How to apply

The applicants are required to fill and submit the Hornby Scholarship form, which can be found online on the British Council website.

Application must be supported with the following documents:

(i) two supporting references – one must be from the current employer
(ii) certified copies of degree certificates/transcripts where relevant
(iii) a full up to date Curriculum Vitae

Candidates will be placed in one of these colleges: University of Birmingham, Lancaster, Leeds, University College Plymouth, St Mark and St John (Marjon) and Warwick. However there is no guarantee that all candidates will be placed at their first choice university.

The acceptance of applications is usually undertaken at the beginning of each year.

For further details refer website

Contact Details

Prospective applicants may make enquiries at the following address:

A.S Hornby Educational Trust
c/o Moore Kingston Smith
Orbital House
20 Eastern Road
Romford RM1 3PJ
Email: Contact I
Website: https://www.hornby-trust.org.uk/

   language scholarship , UK education , UK scholarship , scholarship for teachers , scholarship for English Language professionals

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