Keio University Japan GIGA Masatada Kobayashi Scholarship for International Students
Monday, February 10, 2025
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Keio University Japan GIGA Masatada Kobayashi Scholarship for International Students

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Areas of Study :
Information Technology and governance such as international strategy and social innovation
Level :
Scholarship Funded by :
Keio University Japan
Provided to :

International Students

The Keio University Japan offers GIGA Masatada Kobayashi Scholarship made possible through the generosity of one of the first graduates of Keio University SFC, Mr. Masatada Kobayashi. The Masatada Kobayashi Scholarship is available for Students who show exceptional academic excellence only. The aim of the scholarship is to support hard working students who display an aptitude and interest in advanced information technology and governance such as international strategy and social innovation, and are likely to contribute to the global society using their acquired knowledge and skill in the future.

Scholarship Description

This scholarship is available for 2 students for 4 years and  will cover Academic Fees required at the time of entering the Universityr. The scholarship recipient will be exempt from payment of the academic fees starting September of the current year. Students who show exceptional academic excellence only will get Merit Scholarship Supplement JPY 1,000,000 per year. The scholarship amount less the academic fees for the current year Fall Semester will be paid into the scholarship recipient’s bank account. The scholarship and supplement may be renewed up to four years, subject to annual review.


The candidates should :

Persons who hold any of the Japanese residency statuses such as Permanent Resident, Special Permanent Resident, Spouse or Child of Japanese National, Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident, or Long Term Resident are NOT eligible to receive scholarship.

Selection Method

Screening of application documents submitted for the Admissions for Overseas Students (GIGA Program).

Scholarship Renewal

Renewals of grants are considered on the basis of achievements from the previous year. Those seeking a renewal must submit a renewal application, accompanied by a recipient report and transcripts for the current year, by the deadline stipulated by the university; and attend a personal interview with members of the Scholarship Committee. Renewal procedures are announced in July of the following year.

How to Apply :

Students decide to apply to the scholarships may register from the Admission Web Entry System of Admissions for Overseas Students (GIGA Program). Application Documents to be Submitted by Postal Mail” must reach the office by the last date.

Notification of Award

A Notification of Award will be sent out to the students selected as scholarship recipients by postal mail, together with admission registration documents in early April. The scholarship recipient may be requested by the scholarship donor for attendance at related meetings or social events to the extent that they do not interfere with studies.

Useful Contact

Keio University 
Shonan Fujisawa Campus
5322 Endo, Fujisawa-shi,
Kanagawa, 252-0882, Japan
E-mail: Contact Now

   Study in Japan , Japan Scholarship , Japan education , ug scholarship abroad

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