Kings College London Executive LLM Scholarship
Friday, March 28, 2025
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Kings College London Executive LLM Scholarship

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Areas of Study :
Executive LLM
Level :
Master Level
Scholarship Funded by :
Kings College London
Provided to :
In-house or regulatory lawyers who are keen to build on their achievements and develop their career

The Kings College London offers IBA  Executive LLM scholarship for commercial, in-house or regulatory lawyers who are keen to build on their achievements and develop their career.


Executive LLM course is a two-year, part-time degree course.

Scholarship Details

The scholarships worth up to 100% of postgraduate diploma tuition fees worth up to £24,000 are available to eligible applicants and are intended to help support the winners with the cost of tuition fees over two years, whilst studying.

Eligibility Criteria :

All applicants to the Kings College London and IBA Executive LLM course are welcome to apply for these scholarship opportunities. The School will award scholarships based on the following eligibility criteria, as well as to ensure a global distribution of cultural, legal and professional perspectives:

How to apply

The application form should be completed, scanned and emailed to
Alternatively it may be posted to Student Funding Office,  at Student Funding Office, Kings College London, 7th Floor James Clerk, Maxwell Building, 57 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8WA.
You must submit a word/pdf version of your supporting statement. This should be emailed to

Documents required

Cndidates should submit photocopies only, as originals cannot be returned.

Useful Contact

Student Funding Office,
Kings College London,
7th Floor James Clerk,
Maxwell Building,
57 Waterloo Road,
London SE1 8WA
Phone: 020 7848 3865/3389/4568/4147
Email: Contact Now

   Kings College London , University of London , UK scholarship , UK education

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