NASA Hubble Fellowship Program
Friday, February 7, 2025
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NASA Hubble Fellowship Program

Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) - NASA Hubble Fellowship Program (NHFP) for International Postdoctoral Scientists
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Category :
Postdoctoral Degree
Research Areas :
Fellowship Provided by :
NASA Exoplanet Science Institute
Provided to :
International Postdoctoral Scientists to conduct research on an independent level in different areas of NASA Astrophysics at US Institutions

Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in collaboration with the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI)  provides NASA Hubble Fellowship Program for highly qualified International Postdoctoral Scientists to conduct research on an independent level in different areas of NASA Astrophysics at the California Institute of Technology and the Chandra X-ray Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

The research will be carried out at United States host institutions chosen by each fellow, subject to a limitation on the numbers of fellows that can be hosted by any one institution at any given time.

Scholarship Award

NHFP Fellow will receive support for health insurance, relocation costs, travel, computing services, publications, and other direct research costs. No additional stipend, salary, or other remuneration may be accepted from any other appointment (such as teaching), fellowship, or similar grant during the period of the fellowship.

The NHFP provides salary support for up to three years plus benefits, and an additional allowance for travel and other research costs. Contingent upon NASA funding, 24 new fellowships will be awarded.

NHFP Fellowships are awarded through grants to host institutions for up to a three-year period. Funding will be provided initially for the first year of the fellowship; renewals for the second and third years will depend on satisfactory annual performance reviews, and the availability of NASA funds.


Applicants must have received a PhD. or equivalent doctoral-level research degree in astronomy, physics, or a related discipline. The date of the Ph.D. award should be on or after January 1, 2016. Applicants with earlier Ph.D. award dates may be eligible in exceptional cases (see below). Graduate-student awardees who have not yet received their doctoral degree at the time of application must present evidence of having completed all requirements for the degree before commencing their fellowships.

Eligibility may extend to those who received their Ph.D. as early as January 1, 2015, if professional work was necessarily delayed by personal or family considerations. Such extended eligibility must be justified by emailing, at least 2 weeks in advance of the application deadline.

NHFP Fellowships are open to English-speaking citizens of all nations. Qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, creed, color, age, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, veteran status, disability, or national origin. Women and members of minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

How to apply

Applicants should follow the application instructions given in the announcement given in the website Inquiries about the NHFP may be directed

A fellowship application consists of a research proposal and supporting documentation. Applicants must submit their materials via the web Application Form.

These materials must include:

Completed Application Form
Curriculum vitae
List of publications
Summary of previous and current research (limited to 3 pages total, including references)
Research proposal, described below (limited to 3 pages text plus up to 2 pages of references/figures

Applicants should arrange for letters of reference to be submitted by three individuals who are familiar with their scientific abilities and listed on the Application Form. Letters must be no more than 3 pages in length including salutation and signature–any additional pages will be discarded.

All materials submitted must be in at least 12-point font, single spaced, and all pages should be numbered.

Please email all correspondence to: Contact I

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   US Fellowships , us education , abroad fellowship , Postdoctoral fellowship

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