Professor Anthony Guest PhD Scholarship
Friday, March 28, 2025
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Professor Anthony Guest PhD Scholarship

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Areas of Study :
Level :
Scholarship Funded by :
Dickson Poon School of Law
Provided to :
Suitably qualified candidates from all nationalities

Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London offers Professor Anthony Guest PhD Scholarship for suitably qualified candidates from all nationalities for pursuing their research programs leading to the PhD at The Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London. Candidates must be due to commence the PhD research degree program at King’s College London during the academic year in one PhD Scholarship.

Scholarship Details

Scholarships is intended to help towards the cost of tuition fees for the year, as well as living costs while studying. The scholarship is worth £20,000 (Home/EU/International) per annum for three years (total worth £60,000). 

The research studentships are tenable for up to a period of three years and the annual level of support may be broken down as follows:

Tuition Fees 

 Home / EU : £7,100 pa 

International : £12,900 pa (2017-18)

Living Costs

Home / EU : £18,740 pa

International : £1,260 pa

Payments will be made on a monthly basis into a UK bank account.

Eligibility Criteria :

Home, EU and international candidates are eligible to apply.

Due to commence a full-time research degree program in Law during current year within The Dickson Poon School of Law. 


Existing research degree students are not eligible to apply. These scholarships cannot be held on a part time basis. 

How to apply

In order to be considered for an award, candidates must:

Applicants must complete and submit the online application through along with documents required, by the last date of application. Materials received after the last date at specified time will not be accepted and the applicant will be considered ineligible. 

Documents required

The Dickson Poon School of Law Postgraduate Research Student Scholarship Application form must be submitted directly to The Dickson Poon School of Law at:, stating reference: ‘Professor Anthony Guest PhD Scholarship (specify current year)- [YOUR NAME]’, in subject field of email. The template form is downloadable here.

Candidates may be interviewed by the panel either in person or by Skype. Any queries relating to the admissions application process should be directed to the admissions team at King’s College London:

Queries relating to the scholarship scheme should be directed to:

Useful Contact

James Clerk Maxwell Building
57 Waterloo Road London
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7848 7000
Email : Contact Now

   Kings College London , University of London , UK scholarship , UK education

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