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Category :
Research Fellowship
Research Areas :
Atmospheric and Earth Sciences, Life Sciences and Medicine
Fellowship Provided by :
Indo French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA)
Provided to :
PhD research scholars
The fellowship program is in honour of two Nobel Laureates in Physics, Prof C.V. Raman, 1930 Indian Nobel Laureate, and Prof Georges Charpak, 1992 French Nobel Laureate. The 'Raman - Charpak Fellowship' scheme was launched during the State visit of the President of France, Mr. Francois Hollande, to India on February 14-15th 2013. The aim is to facilitate the exchange of doctoral students between the two countries, in order to broaden the scope and depth of future engagements in science, technology and innovation.
The Fellowship Program is implemented by the Indo French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA) with joint funding from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and the Science & Technology Department of the French Embassy in India, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of France.
This program intends to develop and strengthen Indo-French scientific cooperation through close collaboration between Indian and French laboratories. The fellowship is a single-phase fellowship scheme for PhD research scholars at an Indian or French Research Institute / University. It is an opportunity for students to carry out part of their research work ( three to six months) in a foreign University / Institute based in France or India. The scheme provides an exposure and experience about the current research methods and trends in France/India, while discovering another cultural context.
Please note: Applicants must have a pre-determined project proposal that has been discussed and agreed upon by the student and the two supervisors (Indian and French) before applying.
Target group
This fellowship program is dedicated to highly qualified PhD students registered in an Indian or French Research Institute / University, to offer them an excellent opportunity to carry out a part of their research project in France / India, establish professional relationships and experience another cultural context.
Students can avail the fellowship from minimum of 2 months to maximum 6 months.
Fields of research
- Atmospheric and Earth Sciences
- Life Sciences and Medicine
- Chemical Sciences
- Material Sciences
- Engineering Sciences
- Mathematical and Computational Sciences
- Physical Science
- Environmental Sciences
Fellowship benefits
- For Indian students in France: 1500 Euros per month
including accommodation charges plus Social Security charges, paid
through Campus France.
- For French students in India: Rs. 40,000 per month plus accommodation
charges not exceeding Rs. 45,000 per month .
- Air ticket (one return airfare in economy class between India and
- Insurance coverage (travel & health).
- Any administrative costs for Visa and Registration (e.g. « Centre
pour les Etudes en France » (CEF) registration in France).
- A Fellow may be provided with an additional support (up to Euro 500
for Indian Fellows and equivalent support in Indian Rupees for French
Fellows) for participating in a Seminar/Workshop during their stay in
their host countries.
- Please note that no support will be provided for the family members
during the Fellowship period
-Applicants from India must be Indian citizens residing in
India and registered for a PhD in a recognized university or research
institution in India.
-Applicants from France must be residing in France and registered for a
PhD in a recognized university or research institution in France (no
nationality requirement)
- Have a Master’s degree (in science, technology or medicine) from a
recognized University/Institute.
- Age : Maximum 30 years as on 1st April of the current year.
- Not be already supported by CEFIPRA or working on a CEFIPRA research
- Pre-authorization or Prior consent from his/her Ph.D. Institute /
University to apply for a foreign fellowship program.
- Students who are working in any institution/University should submit
a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer
Proposal Structure
The proposal must include the following information (in
a) a CV (up to 1 page);
b) a summary (up to 1 page) of achievements and research interests,
including relevant publications;
c) Detailed description of the research project (up to 5 pages),
including an explanation of how the planned work will benefit from the
applicant’s stay in the proposed Research Institute / University in
France and India;
d) a letter of recommendation from the Ph.D. supervisor in his native
e) a letter of recommendation and agreement from the proposed
supervisor in the fellowship lab (foreign Research Institute /
f) A scan of passport or ID for proof of age.
The proposal document must respect the lengths indicated above.
You have to apply online at www.cefipra.org.
Postal applications will not be accepted.
It is strongly encouraged to apply early for timely processing rather
than towards the end of the deadline. Please ensure that you completely
fill the form and then submit. Incomplete applications will not be
Applications submitted after the deadline will not be
If your candidature is recommended by the Selection Committee, you will
be requested to furnish the following documents by e-mail: - No
Certificate issued by your host Ph.D. Institute / University stating no
objection with this fellowship.
- Ph.D. registration Letter
- Master degree certificate
- A recent photograph
- Valid passport for the duration of your stay + 6 months
- If the candidate is working, No Objection Certificate from the
employer mentioning there is no objection with the fellowship and
concerned visit to France/India under this program
Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research
5B Ground Floor, India Habitat Centre,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003
Tel: +91 11 2468 2251
Email: Contact
Website: www.cefipra.org
abroad fellowship
earth science fellowship
France education
PhD fellowship
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