AFNA Assam Foundation Akadamics Scholarship
Thursday, March 13, 2025
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AFNA Assam Foundation Akadamics Scholarship

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Areas of Study :
Level :
Scholarship Funded by :
Assam Foundation of North America (AFNA)
Provided to :
Financially deprived Assam students  to pursue bachelor’s degree course in any discipline

Assam Foundation of North America (AFNA) provides Akadamics Scholarship to award educational scholarships and mentoring to students who are financially deprived but have demonstrated promising academics. The scholarships are awarded to students pursuing post secondary education. The objective is to encourage higher education among financially needy students and eventually making them capable of providing for their family.

AFNA is a volunteer-driven US-based non-profit organization with a thirty-year history of supporting social development projects in Assam, a north-eastern state of India, and helping with charitable work in the US and abroad.

Scholarship Details 

A scholarship once awarded will be until the completion of the academic year for which it was awarded. Scholarship shall be renewed for the next academic year if the awardee meets the criteria listed below:

AFNA Scholarship Selection Board (SSB) for AKADAMICS will have the final authority on scholarship renewals.


Selection Procedure

How to Apply

Candidates can apply online through

For completing paper applications, please print the online form and mail it to the address provided at the bottom of this page.

The application form can be emailed to or mail to

4391 McMenemy Street,
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127, USA
For more details  visit Website:


   scholarship for graduate students , Scholarship for Assam students , Scholarship for Financially backward students

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