Shrawan Tandon Scholarship
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
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Shrawan Tandon Scholarship

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Areas of Study :
Level :
Plus Two/ Higher Education
Scholarship Funded by :
BPRD Welfare fund
Provided to :
Wards of the Bureau of Police Research and Development

Shrawan Tandom Scholarship is awarded for the wards of the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) employees to pursue studies in Plus two level and higher education after plus two. This scholarship is on behalf of Shri Sharawan Tandon, IG(Retd.), BPRD.

Shri Sharawan Tandon has donated a sum of Rs. 5 lakh to BPRD Welfare fund to be used as corpus and the interest accrued to be used for the scholarship to the wards of Group 'D' employees of BPRD. The funds will be deposited in long term fixed deposited in a public bank in order to earn interest, which could utilized for the purpose of awarding scholarships to the wards of BPRD’s employees.

The scholarships are open to the following two categories:-

Scholarship for Class XI & XII

Four scholarships each of Rs. 1,000/- per annum for the ward of employees for XI & XII classes. These scholarships will be awarded on merit basis.

Eligibility Conditions

(i) Applicant should have passed the class X with minimum 60% aggregate marks and got admitted to class XI. The scholarship will be awarded for two years (classes XI & XII). As such, the applicant will have to produce from the institution that he has passed class XI for the scholarship for class XII

(ii) If a student fails in class XI, he or she would be eligible has passed the examination of class X for scholarship in class XI. Similar action will be taken for claiming scholarship in class.

Scholarship for Academic/Professional courses

Two scholarships of Rs. 2,000/-each per annum in each class for the wards of Group D employees getting admission in Graduation/Post graduation/professional courses for three or four years, as the case may be.

Eligibility conditions

All the applications through respective Heads of Division/unit concerned should reach Hqrs.( Head of Administration Division) by 31 July every year. A board of officers shall be constituted to scrutinize the applications and submit its report for recommending the applicant for awarding the scholarship on the merit-cum financial status of the employees. The rate of scholarship will be revised on the basis of accrual of interest time to time. A separate cash book will be maintained by the cashier (Welfare) and will get the FD renewed time to time to earn maximum interest.

To know more about the scholarship refer the website


   plus two scholarship , scholarship for professional course

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