TWAS-DBT Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
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TWAS-DBT Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

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Category :
Research Fellowship
Research Areas :
Fellowship Provided by :
TWAS and Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of the Ministry of Science and Technology
Provided to :
Foreign scholars from developing countries to pursue postdoctoral research in biotechnology in India

TWAS is an autonomous international organization founded in Trieste, Italy, in 1983.The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of the Ministry of Science and Technology, India, and TWAS offers a fellowship programme for foreign scholars from developing countries who wish to pursue postdoctoral research in biotechnology. TWAS-DBT Postdoctoral Fellowships are tenable at key biotechnology research institutions in India.

To help candidates in their choice of a suitable host institution a list of biotechnology institutes in India is available here: List_Biotechn_India.pdf. However, candidates are free to choose an Indian biotechnology institution that does not appear on the list.

Subject areas:

Agricultural Sciences
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Biological Systems and Organisms
Medical and Health Sciences incl. Neurosciences
Chemical Sciences


The Fellowship is for or a minimum period of 12 months to a maximum of 18 months‚ and provides:

DBT will provide a monthly stipend to cover for living costs, food and health insurance. The monthly stipend will not be convertible into foreign currency. In addition, the fellowship holder will receive a house rent allowance.

Eligibility Criteria :

The candidates should :

Age limit: Maximum age of 45 years on 31 December of the application year

The language of instruction is English.

How to apply

Applications for the TWAS-DBT Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme can ONLY be submitted to TWAS via the online portal and copy of the submitted application must be sent to DBT by email.

Applicants should submit the Acceptance Letter from an Indian biotechnology institution to TWAS when applying or by the deadline at the latest. ApplicantApplicants should submit the Acceptance Letter from an Indian biotechnology institution to TWAS when applying or by the deadline at the latest.

 Applicants will have until the deadline to submit the Acceptance Letter to TWAS.. Without preliminary acceptance, the application will not be considered for selection.
Should you have applied to or availed any Indian fellowships (especially INSA JRD TATA and JNCASR-CICS) in the current or previous year this must be clearly specified in the application form.

Applicants should be aware that they can apply for only one fellowship per year. With the exception of the Visiting Scientists programme, all other fellowship programmes offered by TWAS and OWSD are mutually exclusive.

Useful Contact

 TWAS Fellowships Office
ICTP Campus, Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste, Italy
Phone: +39 040 2240-314
Fax: +39 040 224559
E-mail: Contact Now

 Centre for International Cooperation in Science (CICS)
Dr. (Mrs.) A. Amudeswari, Director
2, Gandhi Mandapam Road
Chennai 600 025, India
Phone: + 91 44 24430228, 24901367, 24419466
Fax: +91 44 24914543
E-mail: Contact Now

   post doctoral fellowship , fellowships in India

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