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IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) : Introduction

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The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience commonly referred to as IAESTE (pronounced i-ai-es-te or ai-es-te) is an international organization exchanging students for technical work experience abroad. IAESTE helps international students from different disciplines like engineering, natural sciences as well as other disciplines such as languages, graphics and agriculture to find internships/ projects abroad. Participation in the IAESTE exchange is open to bona fide students attending courses at Universities, Institutes of Technology and similar Institutions of Higher Education. Presently there are over 103 countries in the IAESTE network, with the potential of accepting new countries into the organization every year. Annually, IAESTE exchanges more than 6000 students, playing a key role in the professional growth and development of students. Students gain relevant technical training lasting from 4 weeks to 18 months.

IAESTE is a non-political, independent, non-governmental organisation, in operational relationship with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and maintains consultative relationships with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the International Labour Office (ILO). IAESTE is also in contact with the United Nations Economic Council for Africa (ECA), the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the European Union (EU), as well as with other educational non-governmental Organisations.

The Association was founded in January 1948 at Imperial College, London, on the initiative of the Imperial College Vacation Work Committee. The Association became a registered body according to Luxembourg law at its General Conference 2005 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. IAESTEs aim is to connect students with employers in foreign countries, provide university students technical experience and culturally enrich students and their host communities.

IAESTE : How to apply

You must apply through IAESTE in your home country. Each IAESTE country has its own application deadlines but they are normally within the IAESTE Exchange calendar. Please note that you will only be able to apply for specific traineeships which your country has available. You will generally not be able to specify your preferred destination or Employer. Please do not send CVs to either IAESTE International or to your National Office unless you are asked to do so.

Participation in the IAESTE exchange is open to bona fide students attending courses at Universities, Institutes of Technology and similar Institutions of Higher Education in the Study fields IAESTE covers.

The IAESTE programme is not open to those who are about to start their University or College studies, nor is it available to those who have left University. Exceptions can be made for fresh graduates doing their practical training immediately after final examinations. Post-doctorate trainees will normally not be accepted. Students who are interested in an IAESTE placement abroad must apply through IAESTE in their home country.

IAESTE : Registration

All Indian students, presently studying in any recognized academic institution, who wish to undergo internship abroad should register their candidature with IAESTE India-Karunya University (IAESTE India-KU). The registration can be completed online and a unique registration number will be generated online. Please quote this number in the student registration form for reference. However the following documents must be forwarded to The Secretary, IAESTE India-KU, Karunya University, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore-641114, Tamil Nadu by registered post or courier.

Documents to be sent:
Filled in Student Registration form
Curriculum Vitae
Bonafide Certificate from the Head of the Institution/Department
Demand Draft of Rs.1000/- drawn in favour of "IAESTE-INDIA" payable at Coimbatore towards Registration Fees.
The username,password(for students to login in order to view the various offers currently available for internship abroad) and registration number will be forwarded by IAESTE INDIA KU only on receipt of the above documents.

IAESTE : Visa or work permit

A work permit or trainee visa is generally required. The IAESTE office in the receiving country will forward information on conditions of employment relating to foreign nationals and issue specific IAESTE documents for securing a visa/permit once you have been accepted for training by your foreign employer. It is then up to the individual trainees to apply to embassies or consulates for work permits or visas.


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