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KEAM 2024(Entrance Examinations for Admission to Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Medical and Allied Courses in Kerala)
Details of KEAM 2024(Entrance Examinations for Admission to Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Medical and Allied Courses in Kerala)

Kerala Engineering and Medical Entrance Examination 2024 : On June 2024

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KEAM 2024 (Entrance Examinations for Admission to Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Medical and Allied Courses in Kerala)
Category : Medical Admissions 2025
Published : On March 18, 2024 By Webindia123 Editor

Important Dates

Online Application submission 27th March ,2024
Last date for submission of Online Application including Fee payment 17th April ,2024
Last date for receipt of Printout of Online Application along with supporting documents 24th April ,2024
Downloading Online Admit Cards From 20th May ,2024
Date of Engineering Entrance Examination 1st June  to 9th June, 2024
Venue of Examination As indicated in the Admit Card
Declaration of Results on or before 20th June ,2024

Schedule for the Entrance Examination

The Entrance Examinations for admission to Professional Degree Courses for the year 2024, Kerala will be conducted as per the following schedule:

Time schedule for the Examination (IST) Session 1 Session 2
 Reporting to the Examination Center 07.00 AM  12.30PM
Entry to the Examination Hall 08.15 AM 01.45 PM
 Mock Test 08.45 AM 02.15 PM
Last entry to the Examination Hall 08.50 AM 02.20 PM
Examination starts 09.00 AM 02.30 PM
End of Examination 12.00 PM  05.30 PM

Engineering Courses:

Architecture Course :

Medical Courses :

Agriculture, Forestry, Co-operation & Banking, Climate Change & Environmental Science, B.Tech Biotechnology Courses:

Veterinary Course:

Fisheries Course:

Pharmacy Course:

Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm)

Eligibility for Admission:

Nativity: Only Indian citizens are eligible for admission to Professional courses unless otherwise notified. The Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder (including PIO cardholder) will also be treated at par with Indian citizens for the limited purpose of admission. However, PIO/OCI candidates will not be eligible for any kind of reservation (Judgement in WP(c) 891/2021 dated: 03.02.2023 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and G.O(Rt)No.1620/2023/HEdn dated:01.11.2023). Candidates seeking admission to Professional courses will be categorised as Keralite, NonKeralite Category I (NK I) and Non-Keralite Category II (NK II).

(A) Keralites :-A candidate of Kerala origin will be categorised as a ‘Keralite’. Children of All India Service (AIS) officers (Non-Keralites) allotted to Kerala cadre are deemed to be ‘Keralites’ as per G.O. (Rt) No. 822/08/H. Edn. dated 29/05/2008. But they will not be eligible for Communal/Special/Persons with Disabilities reservation or any fee concession.

In order to

(B) Non-Keralite Category I (NK I) : A candidate who is not of Kerala origin but fulfils any one of the following conditions will be categorised as 'Non-Keralite Category I' (NK I).

(C) Non-Keralite Category-II (NK II):- Candidates who do not come under ‘Keralite’ or 'Non-Keralite Category I' will be categorised as ‘Non-Keralite Category II'. Such candidates are eligible for admission to Government seats and Management quota seats in Engineering courses in Government Controlled Self financing Colleges. However, the ‘Non-Keralite Category II’ (NK II) candidates will be considered for admission to the Government seats in Government Controlled Self Financing Engineering Colleges only when the Keralite and Non-Keralite I (NK I) candidates are not available for admission. ‘Non-Keralite Category II’ (NK II) candidates are also eligible for admission to Government Seats and Management Quota seats in Private Self Financing Engineering/Architecture Colleges. ‘Non-Keralite Category II’ (NK II) candidates are also eligible for admission to a maximum of 10% seats under Management Quota in Private Self Financing Pharmacy colleges.

Non-Keralite Category II’ (NK II) candidates will not be eligible for Communal/ Special/ Persons with Disabilities reservation or any fee concession. ‘Non-Keralite Category II’ (NK II) candidates are not eligible for admission to Medical and Allied Courses including MBBS/BDS and for admission to Government Engineering Colleges.

Academic Qualification :

(a) Medical & Allied Courses:

  1. For admission to MBBS, BDS Courses: Candidates who have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology and English individually at the Higher Secondary examination of the Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala or examinations recognised equivalent thereto and obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology are eligible. 
  2. For admission to BAMS/ BHMS courses: Candidates who have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually at the Higher Secondary Examination of the Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala or examinations recognised equivalent thereto and obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology are eligible.
  3. For admission to BSMS course: Candidates who have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually at the Higher Secondary Examination of the Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala or Examinations recognised equivalent thereto and obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology are eligible. The candidates should have passed 10th or 12th standard with Tamil as one of the languages or the candidate after been admitted to the BSMS course, shall have to study the Tamil language course during the first year of their professional degree course.
  4. For admission to BUMS course: Candidates who have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually at the Higher Secondary Examination of the Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala or examinations recognised equivalent thereto and obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology are eligible. The candidates should have passed 10th or 12th standard with Urdu or Arabic or Persian language as a subject. Candidate who has not passed Urdu or Arabic or Persian language as one of the subjects in the 10th Standard or in 12th Standard, shall have to study Urdu language along with Arabic and Mantiq WaFalsafa (Logic and Philosophy) as a subject during the First Professional BUMS session.
  5. For admission to B.Sc.(Hons.) Agri., B.Sc.(Hons) Forestry, B.Sc (Hons.) Cooperation & Banking, B.Tech Biotechnology (under (KAU), BFSc courses: Candidates who have passed in the subjects Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the Higher Secondary Examination of the Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala or 43 KEAM-2024, © CEE, TVM examinations recognised equivalent thereto, with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology put together are eligible.
  6. For admission to B.Sc.(Hons) Climate Change & Environmental Science: Candidates who have passed in the subjects Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the Higher Secondary Examination of the Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala or examinations recognised equivalent thereto, with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology put together are eligible. Candidates should have studied Mathematics as a subject in the Plus Two level.
  7. For admission to BVSc. & AH Course: Candidates who have passed in the subjects English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the Higher Secondary Examination of the Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala or examinations recognised equivalent thereto and obtained 50% marks in aggregate of these subjects are eligible.

(b) Engineering courses:
[Including B.Tech (Agri. Engg.) and B.Tech (Food Engg. & Tech) courses under the Kerala Agricultural University, B.Tech (Dairy Technology) and B.Tech (Food Technology) courses under Kerala Veterinary & Animal Sciences University and B.Tech (Food Technology) course under Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies].

Candidates who have passed Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala, or Examinations recognized as equivalent thereto, with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects and Chemistry as one of the optional subjects with atleast 45% marks put together in the above subjects are eligible for admission. In case, the candidate has not studied Chemistry, the marks obtained in Computer Science shall be considered. In case, the candidate has not studied Chemistry and Computer Science the marks obtained in Biotechnology shall be considered. In case, the candidate has not studied Chemistry, Computer Science and Biotechnology the marks obtained in Biology shall be considered. The marks as shown in the mark list of the Board of Examination obtained from the respective Higher Secondary Board shall be considered for academiceligibility.    

 Note :-      

(c) Architecture Course :

  1. Candidates who have passed Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala or Examinations recognised equivalent thereto with at least 50 % aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics or passed 10+3 Diploma Examination with Mathematics as compulsory subject with at least 50 % marks in aggregate are eligible.
  2. In addition to the academic eligibility prescribed under clause 6.2.3 (a), only those candidates who score the minimum eligibility marks as per the Information Brochure of National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) 2024 will be considered for admission to B. Arch. Course. There is no relaxation in the minimum passing score of NATA to any category of candidate as per letter No. CA/5/Academic-NATA dated 11.03.2008. The candidates are advised to qualify in NATA on or before 31.07.2024.
  3. There is no provision for lateral admission to the second year or at any stage during the 5 year course in Architecture.

(c) B.Pharm Course :

Candidates who have passed 10+2 examination conducted by the Board of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala or Examinations equivalent there to with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology as optional subjects individually are eligible.

Relaxation in marks

  1. In the case of MBBS/BDS courses, candidates belonging to SC/ST or SEBC, the minimum marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Bio-Technology taken together in qualifying examination shall be 40% instead of 50%. In respect of candidates, included in the PD quota list published by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, the minimum marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BioTechnology taken together in qualifying examinations shall be 45% instead of 50%.
  2. In the case of BAMS/ BHMS/BSMS/BUMS courses, candidates belonging to SC/ST or SEBC, the minimum marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together in qualifying examination shall be 40% instead of 50%. In respect of candidates included in the PD quota list published by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations the minimum marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together in qualifying examinations shall be 45% instead of 50%.
  3. In the case of B.Sc.(Hons.) Agri., B.Sc.(Hons) Forestry, B.Sc.(Hons) Co-operation & Banking, B.Sc.(Hons) Climate Change & Environmental Science, B.Tech Biotechnology (under (KAU), BFSc courses, candidates belonging to SEBC and the candidates included in the PD quota list published by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, the minimum marks required for admission shall be 5% less than that prescribed for General Category. For candidates belonging to SC/ST, a minimum pass mark is required.
  4. In the case of B.VSc & AH course, Candidates belonging to SC/ST/SEBC and the candidates included in the PD quota list published by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, the minimum marks required for admission shall be 47.5% instead of 50%.
  5. In the case of Engineering Courses, candidates belonging to SC/ST/ SEBC or PD the minimum mark obtained in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry/Computer Science/Biotechnology/Biology taken together in qualifying examination shall be 40% instead of 45%.

Age :

Applicants should have completed 17 years of age as on the 31st December 2024. No relaxation in the minimum age will be allowed. There is no upper age limit for Engineering, Architecture, B.Pharm, BAMS, BSMS, BHMS and BUMS Courses. For MBBS and BDS courses, the upper age limit will be as per the Information Bulletin of NEET (UG)-2024. For other Medical Allied courses, the age limit prescribed by the respective Central Councils will be applicable.

Application Fee:

  1. Engineering only/ B.Pharm only/both
    General candidates - Rs.875/-
    SC/ST candidates - Rs.375/-
  2. Architecture only/Medical & Allied only/both
    General candidates - Rs.625/-
    SC/ST candidates - Rs.250/-
  3. Both (1) & (2)
    General candidates - Rs.1125/-
    SC/ST candidates - Rs.500/-

How to Apply :

 Online submission of application through the website  is required to apply for admission to all the courses (MBBS, BDS, and Other Medical & Medical Allied courses, B.Pharm, Engineering and Architecture).

There are 5 steps for the online submission of application and all the steps are mandatory. Candidates should complete all steps including uploading of the necessary certificates and documents on or before the last date notified for the same.

Step 1: Registration
Step 2: Fill Application
Step 3: Application Fee
Step 4: Upload Images & Certificates
Step 5: Print Application Acknowledgement Paget status updated. On successful Payment, the required entries in the application will be made automatically.

Note: The Application fee/additional fee once remitted will not be refunded under any circumstances

More details can be available from the website.

Contact Details
 Address  : TOffice Of The Commissioner For Entrance Examinations
7th Floor, Ksrtc Bus Terminal Complex, Thampanoorthiruvananthapuram – 695 001
 Phone  : 0471-2525300
 Fax  : 0471-2337228
 Mobile  : -
 E-mail  : Contact I
 Website  :



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