Kerala Engineering Agriculture Medical (KEAM) Entrance Examination
Thursday, February 13, 2025
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KEAM (Kerala Engineering Agriculture Medical Entrance Examination) : Introduction

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KEAM is the entrance test conducted by the Controller of Entrance Examination of Kerala state for admission to Professional Degree Courses which has been approved by the Govt. of Kerala. The entrance examination is conducted for admission to Medical (Except MBBS & BDS)/ Agriculture/ Veterinary/ Fisheries/ Engineering/ Architecture Degree courses and for allotment/ admission to MBBS & BDS courses based on NEET (UG).

KEAM scores are valid for admission to the following degree courses in various professional colleges in Kerala.

(a) Medical

(i) Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) 
(ii) Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS)
(iii) Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery (BSMS)

(b) Agriculture

(i) Bachelor of Science-Agriculture [BSc. Hons.(Ag.)] 
(ii) Bachelor of Science-Forestry [BSc. Hons.(Forestry)]

(c) Veterinary Science Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry (B.V. Sc. & AH).
(d) Fisheries  Bachelor of Fisheries Science (BFSc.)
(e) Engineering 

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) 
B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering) [B.Tech. (Agri. Engg.)] 
B.Tech. (Dairy Science & Technology) [B.Tech. (D.Sc. & Tech.)] 
B.Tech. (Food Engineering) [B.Tech. (Food Engg.)]

(f) Architecture Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) (Allotment & Admission only) 
(g) MBBS/BDS Allotment & Admission only

Candidates satisfying the eligibility conditions and who seek admission to all the above mentioned courses have to apply ONLINE on the website of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations The CEE will conduct separate Entrance Examinations for admission to Engineering and Medical (Except MBBS & BDS) Courses.

Allotments/ Admission to MBBS/BDS Courses

The CEE will not conduct the Entrance Examination for admission to MBBS & BDS courses. Allotment / Admission to MBBS & BDS courses will be done based on the Kerala State Rank list of National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Under Graduate) [NEET (UG)] provided by the CBSE. Candidates seeking admission to MBBS & BDS courses should write the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Under Graduate) [NEET (UG)] conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and obtain a valid rank in the Kerala State Rank list published by the CBSE for allotment / admission in the state. Such candidates should also apply online through the website of  the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, within the specified date. The Print out of the application along with necessary documents including the copy of the “Confirmation Page” of NEET (UG) should reach the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations on or before the prescribed date. 

The candidates included in the Kerala State Rank list of NEET (UG) should satisfy their nativity condition as prescribed in the KEAM Prospectus. Those who are not included in the Kerala State Rank list of NEET (UG)  will not be considered for allotment / admission to MBBS & BDS courses. 

Allotment/Admission to Architecture Course

The CEE will not conduct any Entrance Examination for admission to B.Arch. course. However, candidates seeking admission to B.Arch. course should compulsorily appear and qualify the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) conducted by the National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture (NIASA). Such candidates should also apply online through the website of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, within the specified date.

   medical entrance , engineering entrance , kerala entrance

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