Karnataka Common Entrance Test (CET)
Saturday, March 15, 2025
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Karnataka Common Entrance Test (CET) : Selection & Admission

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The merit / rank list will be prepared and published, on the basis of performance of the candidates in the Common Entrance Test and the Qualifying Examination. As per the merit determined by the CET Cell, the Medical, ISMH, Engineering and Architecture ranks will be assigned to the eligible candidates.

The Merit list of candidates for admission to Medical and Dental courses will be determined only on the basis of marks obtained by candidates in PCB subjects taken together in the Common Entrance Test. For Ayurveda / Homoeopathy / Unani / Naturopathy & Yoga / Engineering / Technology courses, the Merit list will be determined on the basis of marks obtained in the respective optional subjects, in both qualifying examination and the Common Entrance Test taken in equal proportions. For Architecture course, the Merit list will be determined on the basis of marks obtained in both qualifying examination and NATA taken in equal proportions.


5% of the Government seats will be reserved in favour of the Kannada medium candidates who have studied TEN full academic years in Kannada medium from 1st Standard to 10th Standard.

Medical and Dental Courses : The merit will be determined only on the basis of marks obtained by candidates in Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects taken together in the Common Entrance Test

Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy Courses: The merit will be determined on the basis of marks obtained by candidates in Physics, Chemistry & Biology subjects in Common Entrance Test and the marks obtained by candidates in Physics, Chemistry & Biology subjects in the Qualifying Examination, taken in equal proportions.

Engineering and Technology courses : The merit will be determined on the basis of marks obtained by candidates in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics subjects in Common Entrance Test and the marks obtained by candidates in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics subjects in the Qualifying Examination, taken in equal proportions.

Provided that where the merit of two or more candidates is the same, the merit shall be determined with reference to the marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test in Biology in the case of Medical / Dental / Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy courses and in Mathematics in the case of Engineering / Technology courses and where the marks obtained in such cases are equal then the interse merit shall be determined on the basis of the marks obtained in Chemistry in the case of Medical / Dental / Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy courses and in Physics in the case of Engineering / Technology courses and where the marks obtained are equal again the interse merit shall be determined on the basis of the marks obtained in the respective subjects in the Qualifying examination as stipulated above and where marks obtained are equal again, the interse merit shall be determined on the basis of the age of the candidate, wherein the elder candidate will be considered before the younger.

Architecture Course : The merit will be determined on the basis of marks obtained by candidates in the qualifying examination in all subjects and the marks obtained in NATA, taken in equal proportions. Provided that where the merit of two or more candidates is same, the interse merit shall be determined with reference to the marks obtained in NATA, where marks obtained in NATA are equal, then the interse merit shall be determined on the basis of marks obtained in Mathematics in the qualifying examination and where marks obtained in Mathematics are equal, the interse merit shall be determined on the basis of the age of the candidate, wherein the elder candidate will be considered before the younger.

After the completion of the entrance test, the Key Answers will be published within 7 days on the CET website. About three days of time will be given for the candidates / parents / teachers, to file objections, if any, in respect of any of the published key answers, along with all supporting documents & justifications. Objections received by the CET Cell will be placed before an Expert Committee, whose decision will be final in this regard. The objections received after the notified date will not be considered.

Candidates are called in order or rank for spot allotment of branch/college according to availability and option exercised by the candidates. Selection of seat by a candidate and admission thereafter at the CET Cell shall comprise of the following stages, wherein all the candidates will be allowed to select a seat of their choice strictly in the order of merit :
(a) Registration of the candidate ;
(b) Verification of the original documents ;
(c) Selection of seats in accordance with merit order ;
(d) Remittance of Fees in the form of Demand Draft ;
(e) Issue of Admission Order.

The fee amount detailed above for different courses / categories should be paid by candidates when they come for seat selection process, in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of "The Special Officer, CET Cell,Bangalore", payable at Bangalore. The candidates should come prepared with the demand drafts for the fee detailed above before registering themselves for selection of a seat, failing which they will not be allowed to register and select any seat.

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