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The Karnataka State Level Common Entrance Test is being conducted for the purpose of admission of students to the I year or I semester of full time courses in Medical, Dental and Engineering Courses in professional colleges within the State of Karnataka in respect of the seats falling to the share of the State Government.
The seats available in various professional colleges in the State of Karnataka have been in the first place, divided into free and payment seats and then shared between the managements and State Government. The payment seats are further sub-divided into Karnataka quota and Non-Karnataka quota. Admissions to these seats will be made in accordance with the Karnataka Selection of Candidates for Admission to Engineering, Medical and Dental Courses Rules, 1997, as amended from time to time, which has been framed under the Karnataka Educational Institution ( Prohibition of Capitation Fee ) Act, 1984. The Common Entrance Test will be conducted at 41 places, spread over Karnataka.
medical entrance
engineering entrance
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Entrance Exams