Thursday, January 16, 2025
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Calligraphy, an expressive profession that offers a chance to unleash one's artistic potential, open..
Rotoscoping is a process in which animators used to capture realistic human movement by drawing over..
Catering Service
Catering Service is the activity of providing food and beverage for any type of events to the guests..
Baking is an exiting career for those with an intrinsic interest in cooking, have natural culinary t..
Dance Choreography
Dance choreography involves using traditional dance forms and blending them with original dance move..
Visual Merchandising
Visual merchandising is an art of creatively presenting a product or a service to prospective client..
Image Consultant
Career as an Image consultant is one of the hottest career fields today. Also known by such titles a..
Graphic Designing
Graphic Design is an artistic and professional discipline that focuses on visual communication and p..
Toy Designing
A career in toy designing has much scope as toys are vital to a child's growth and development. As l..
Gaming Industry
Designing a game is a long, multifaceted process which involves the combined effort of a team of pro..

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