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Indian Postal Service : Posts Available in Indian Postal Departments

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Various job positions are existing in the Indian Postal sector. Each state in India has their own recruitment procedure for the selection of candidates. The various posts available in the postal sector in India are : 

The vacancies in the post office are filled according to the kind of job profile. To obtain a job in post office, the applicants has to meet the eligibility requirements and need to write an exam. The eligibility criteria may differ based on the job profile and also the state laws. There are separate vacancies for each department like for post office clerk, post office carrier, mail clerk etc.

Hierarchy in Indian Postal Service for the various job positions

Indian Postal Service, Group 'A'

Group A service of Indian Postal service consist of the seven grades namely:

(i) Junior Time Scale
(ii) Senior Time Scale
(iii) Junior Administrative Grade
(iv) Selection Grade of Junior Administrative Grade
(v) Senior Administrative Grade 
- Level II
- Grade Level I
(vi) Senior Deputy Director General/ Chief Postmaster General
(vii) Members of the Postal Services Board


  1. The recruitment to the Group A Service, shall be made by the following methods :
    (a) 40% of the permanent vacancies and all temporary vacancies in the Junior Time Scale of the Service shall be filled by promotion and 60% of the permanent vacancies in that scale shall be filled by direct recruitment.
  2. (b) Vacancies in all other grades of the service shall be filled by promotion. Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (1), the Government shall determine, in consultation with the commission, the method of recruitment to be employed for the purpose of filling any particular vacancies in the Service and the number of candidates to be recruited by each method.

Recruitment by Competitive Exam
A competitive examination for appointment to the Junior Time Scale of the Service shall be held at such times and places as may be prescribed in a notice issued by the commission for the purpose. Every such notice shall, as far as possible specify the number of vacancies to be filled on the results of the examination. Every examination under this part shall be conducted by the commission in the manner notified by the Government of India in the Department of personnel & Training from time to time.

If the examination held under this part is a combined Examination for the purpose of making appointment to more than one service or post, the following provisions shall apply, namely:-

(a) any person may apply to be admitted as a candidate for appointment to all or any of the services or posts for which he is eligible,
Provided that if he wishes to be considered for appointment to more than one service or post, he shall state in his application form the names of the Services and posts for which he wishes to be considered and the order of his preferences for them and in such cases, only one application form and payment of the fees for examination for one service as specified in rule 14. shall be sufficiently.

(b) the Government of India in the Department of Personnel & Training shall assign successful candidates to each service or post on a consideration of all circumstances including any preference expressed by the candidates in their applications.

A candidate shall apply for admission to the examination before such date, in such manner and in such form as the commission may prescribe : Provided that a candidate in Government service, whether in a permanent or in a temporary capacity or as work charged employee, other than casual or daily rated employee, will be required to submit an undertaking to the effect that he has informed in writing his Head of office or Department regarding his application for the examination.

Nationality: A candidate must be a citizen of Indian or he must belong to such categories of persons as may, from time to time, be notified by the Government.

Age limits: A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 26 years on the first day of August of the year in which the examination is held; Provided that the upper age limit may be relaxed in respect of candidates belonging to the scheduled castes and the scheduled Tribe and such other categories of persons as may, from time to time, be notified in this behalf by the Government of India in the Department of Personnel and Training to the extent and subject to the conditions notified in respect of each category.

Educational Qualifications: A candidate must held a degree a university established or incorporated by or under a control act or a provincial Act or a State Act or other educational institution established by a Central Act or declared to be deemed as University under section 3 of the University Grant Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) or a foreign University approve by the Central Government from time to time, or possesses on equivalent qualification which has been recognized by the Government for the purpose of admission to the examination. Candidates possessing professional and technical qualifications which are recognized by Government as equivalent to professional and technical degree would also be eligible for admission to the examination.

Preparation of list of successful candidates: After every examination, the names of candidates shall be arranged by the commission in the order of merit, as disclosed by the aggregate marks finally awarded to each candidate and in that order so many candidates as are found by the commission to be qualified on the basis of the examination shall be recommended for appointment up to the number of unreserved vacancies decided to be filled on the results of the examination. 

Recruitment by Promotion

(1) Junior Time Scale: Appointment to the Junior Time Scale in the service shall be made by selection on merit from amongst officers regularly appointed to the Postal Service Group 'B' with five years of regular services in that grade on the recommendations of a duly constituted Departmental promotion Committee in consultation with the commission.

(2) Senior Time Scale: Appointment to the Senior Time Scale in the Service shall be made by promotion of officers in the Junior Time Scale with four years regular service in that grade in the order of seniority subject to the rejection of the unfit of the recommendations of a duly constituted Departmental Promotion committee.

(3) Junior Administrative Grade: Appointment to the Junior Administrative Grade in the Service shall be made by selection on merit from amongst officers of the Senior Time Scale of the Service with 5 years regular service in the grade on recommendations of a duly constituted Departmental Promotion committee.

(4) Selection Grade of the Junior Administrative Grade: Appointment to the Selection Grade of the Junior Administrative Grade in the Service shall be made by promotion of officers in the Junior Administrative Grade of the Service who have been stagnating at the maximum of that grade for not less than two years, in the order of seniority subject to rejection of the unfit on the recommendations of a duly constituted departmental Promotion Committee.

(5) Senior Administrative Grade
Level-II: Appointment to the Senior Administrative Grade Level –II in the service shall be made by selection on merit from amongst officers of the Junior Administrative Grade of the service including the Selection Grade who have put in not less than 16 years total regular service in Group ‘A’ of the Service on the recommendations of a duly constituted Departmental promotion committee.
Level-I: Appointment to the Senior Administrative Grade Level-I in the Service shall be made on the basis of selection on merit from amongst officers of the Senior Administrative Grade Level-II of the service with 2 years of regular service in the grade on the recommendations of a duly constituted Departmental Promotion Committee.

(6) Senior Deputy Director General/ Chief Postmaster General: Appointment to the Senior Deputy Director General/ Chief Postmaster General shall be made on the basis of selection on merit from amongst officers of Senor Administrative Grade of the service with three years regular service in the grade. 

(7) Members of the Postal Services Board: (a) Appointments to all the post of Members of the Postal Services Board except the post of Member (Finance) shall be made by selection on merit from amongst officers holding posts on regular basis in the grade of Senior Deputy Director General/ Chief Postmaster General with 2 years regular service.
The post of Member (Finance) will be filled in accordance with the scheme for staffing Senior Administrative posts at the Centre.

(8) If an officer appointed to any grade in the service is considered for promotion to any higher grade, all persons senior to him in the grade shall also be considered, not with standing that they may not have rendered requisite to number of years of service. 

Probation: Every officer on appointed to the service, either by direct recruitment or by promotion to Junior Time Scale shall be on probation for a period of two years. Provided that the controlling officer may extend the period of probation in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government from time to time. On completion of the probation or any extension thereof, officer shall, if, considered fit, be confirmed against the post, if not already confirmed in the entry grade. During the period of probation or any extension thereof, candidates may be recruited by the government to undergo such courses of training and instructions and to pass examination and tests (including examination in Hindi) as the Government may deem fit, as a condition to satisfactory completion of the probation.


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