Petroleum Engineering
Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Petroleum Engineering : Introduction

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Petroleum and Petroleum products are valuable for any country. Shortage of petroleum could make Industries, automobiles and households come to a standstill. They are dependent on petroleum in some way or the other. There is a need to find more petroleum reservoirs to meet the growing demand. But the search for petroleum is not an easy task in complex geological locations. This has resulted in a huge demand for professionally trained personnel to meet the challenge. 

Petroleum engineers search the world for reservoirs containing oil or natural gas. In other words, Petroleum engineers are involved in the exploration and production of oil and natural gas and also in each stage of oil field evaluation, development and production. Where as Engineering is the art and science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences, like Physics or Chemistry, as in the construction of engines, bridges, buildings, mines, ships chemical plants, etc; Petroleum Engineering is the discipline in which the principles of Geology, Physics and Engineering are applied for the recovery, development and processing of petroleum. It is basically mining Engineering, but deals only with oil and gas.

Petroleum Engineering covers a wide range of activities from the discovery of natural sources, examination of the natural characteristics and the development of modern machinery for the extraction and processing of petroleum. The work of a petroleum engineer begins with the exploration of reservoirs. After the reservoir is discovered, they are involved in working with geologists/ geo physicists and other specialists for examining the geologic formation and the nature of the rock containing the reservoir, determining the drilling methods to be used, and monitoring the drilling and production activities. They also work on designing tools and operation procedures in order to gain maximum efficiency in the recovery of oil and gas. Computers are used extensively by petroleum engineers in order to calculate the next possible method of recovery of petroleum from different reservoirs. Models and designs of drilling and other equipment are also simulated on computers.

The petroleum industry is broadly divided into two major sectors – the upstream sector and the downstream sector. Work in the upstream sector consists of the exploration, production and exploitation of oil and natural gas. The downstream sector comprises the refining, marketing and distributing functions. Petroleum Engineers function within the upstream sector & Petroleum Engineering is involved in the exploration and production activities of petroleum as the upstream end of the energy sector. It is an increasingly technical profession that involves procuring reserves from places that predecessors deemed too difficult or not economic with the technology of the day, or commodity prices. Their goal is to achieve the maximum profitable recovery of oil and gas from a given petroleum source by determining and developing the best, most efficient production methods. 


   engineering career , mining engineering

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