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Orthodontics as a Career option

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Dentistry, a lucrative profession, is concerned with all health problems troubling the mouth, teeth, gums and other hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. This field involves a broad range of professionals, from doctorate level to administrative level. Dentistry as a career has various specializations like Periodontics (care of gums and the diseases that might afflict them), Oral pathology (diagnosis for diseases that affect the mouth ), Operative Dentistry or Endodontics (root canal jobs, fillings and cosmetic surgery), Prosthodontics which involves the making of artificial teeth, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery which deals specifically with surgery on the mouth and jaw, Pediatric Dentistry for treating children's teeth problems and Orthodontics (straightening and aligning teeth and jaws). Here we can go in detail about Orthodontics.

Orthodontics is known to be the first recognised specialty field in Dentistry. It is a stream of dentistry, which corrects irregularities of the teeth or developing jaws in order to improve both the function and appearance of the mouth and face. The name Orthodontics has Greek origin, where 'ortho' means straight and 'odons' means teeth. Orthodontics basically comprises improving teeth alignment and other oral structures and setting them in the right place. They have special training in the diagnosis and treatment of teeth and jaws that are misaligned causing improper bites and crooked teeth. An orthodontist specializes in jaw alignment and positioning of the teeth with braces, retainers and other dental appliances.

The orthodontist will align the teeth with respect to the surrounding soft tissues using braces or other orthopedic appliances to allow for growth modification in children, or jaw surgery in adults. Orthodontists work with patients to improve the functioning of their jaws and teeth, achieve their desired dental appearance and increase overall self-confidence. Orthodontics treat not only to improve the appearance of clients but also problems concerned with easy chewing and swallowing of food. Based on dental x-rays and dental photographs orthodontist decide what exact alterations are required to be done in the oral structure of the client to overcome these problems.

Becoming an orthodontist


Orthodontics is offered as post specialization in the area of dental education. A person who wants to practice as an Orthodontist must have a Masters in Dental Surgery -MDS (Orthodontics) which is of three years duration. The pre-requisite for pursuing MDS is a graduate degree in Dental surgery (BDS) from an institute recognized by the Dental Council of India. Almost all reputed dental colleges in India offer admission to candidates for this course, on the basis of their performance in Centralized Entrance exam, which take place at the national level.

Course area includes aspects and techniques of Orthodontics, such as moulding and setting of teeth braces, aligning of teeth, using retainers to remove dental deformity etc.

Personal skill requirements for an Orthodontist

Being a business oriented medical field, high level of professionalism and good communication skills are two basic requirements to become an Orthodontist. Orthodontists must have perfect hand-eye coordination and good eyesight which will help you to work intricately and accurately. They must also have time management skills, great logical and analytical thinking, manual dexterity and compassion for people.

Job opportunities available for Orthodontists

There are plenty of opportunities for full-time or part-time work, and career breaks are possible. Orthodontists can get jobs in dental departments of government or private hospitals. Armed forces and Indian Railways also recruit Orthodontists. They can opt to teach in dental colleges or the more genius can enter research field. Orthodontists can set up independent practices, buy an existing practice or share a clinic with other dentists. After gaining some experience in a hospital or as an assistant to an experienced dentist, they can open their own venture. Most of them prefer self practice as it is financially sound than any other option. Yet another choice is to work for a dental-equipment manufacturer.

How much an orthodontist earns

The salary of an orthodontist is based on factors- such as skill and work experience, education level, type of employment and the geographical area. An orthodontist with higher educational degree and adequate amount of skill earns quite well. Orthodontist who are self employed earn much more than orthodontists who work in hospitals. A well experienced one can earn around Rs 30,000 to Rs 1, 00,000 or more per month. Those in private practice can charge per case, that too depended upon the location, experience, treatment purpose etc.

Apart from making a professional career in India, one can go abroad for better pay-package and career prospects. Nations such as UK and Australia offer handsome salary package for experienced Indian orthodontists.

Useful contact

Dental Council of India
Aiwan-E-Galib Marg,
Kotla Road, Temple Lane
New Delhi – 110002
Phone: +91-11-23238542, 23236740
Fax: +91-11-23231252
E-mail: Contact Now

Indian Orthodontic Society
IOS Head Office
1504, H-Block, 7th Street,
11th Main Road, Annanagar west
Phone: +919884042526
E-mail: Contact Now

Institutes in India

To get the list of institutes click on course name

  » Certificate in Orthodontics

  » MDS

Abroad Institutes

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   medical science career , dental career

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