Creative Writing
Sunday, March 23, 2025
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Creative Writing : Introduction

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Are you fond of writing? Do you have the flair to juggle words to explain your thoughts creatively? Creative writing is another potential career field that promises good monetary returns. But the field is not for everyone. A career in creative writing is considered as an artistic work gifted by God to special people. These people are the creative writers, known by various names such as novelists, poets, lyricists etc. who are engaged in writing books, articles, stories, especially as an occupation or profession. Most of writers have magical powers in writing and through their work, they can influence the readers and can make them upset, disgusted, spellbound or happy. 

Creating writing is a long process which requires a lot of research and hard work. Creative writing is the writing in which a writer aims to express his/ her emotions, feelings, imaginative ideas and thoughts, through prose and poetic verses. Any kind of writing like novels, poems, stories, drama, autobiography, script writing, copy writing etc. can be considered as creative writing. 

The foremost and the essential things required to become a creative writer is the passion for writing and love to communicate with words. Creative writing is a field which requires a lot of imagination, observation and an inborn ability to create pictures of the natural world. One can become a good writer by reading articles on variety of topics and styles; experiencing life in every way and learning and listening to a lot of idioms, accents, and local expressions. One can also improve their writing skills by taking a course in creative writing. 

The major task of creative writer is to create a work in an interesting or appealing manner. Each work has to be organized cohesively with a clear beginning, middle and an end and must be targeted at an audience. Creative writers are expected to deliver original and high class content with no grammar and spelling mistakes. Copying of content from any other media is strictly prohibited in the field of creative writing, as it may create serious legal complications. So one has to write the content, whatever the topics may be in an original style and language. For this, a thorough research is needed that can be done by referring related informative book, encyclopedia, talking to people proficient in the topic or by searching the internet.

Many people enjoy creative writing as a hobby. They can turn it into a profession and start earning with great opportunities. The demand for creative writers has increased at the global level, with the recent boom in the print media. Scope in this field is endless and one can become a novelist, journalist, short story writer, copywriter and so on. Creative writing jobs promise a good career path with excellent growth prospects and attractive salaries, if it is taken seriously with complete devotion.

   artistic career , media career , Offbeat career

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