Clarendon Scholarship
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Clarendon Scholarship: Introduction

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Category :
Masters/PhD Degrees
Subject Areas :
Theology, Archaeology, Pholosophy, Management, Research
Scholarships Provided by :
University of Oxford, UK
Scholarships Provided to :
Indian students with good academic excellence for pursuing degree-bearing subjects at graduate level at the University of Oxford

The Clarendon Fund is a major graduate scholarship scheme at the University of Oxford, offering 140 new scholarships every year. Oxford University is one of the world's top five universities and the oldest university in the English-speaking world. Clarendon Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and potential across all degree-bearing subjects at graduate level at the University of Oxford. The Clarendon Fund was launched in 2001, and since that time the scholarship has enabled over 1,600 international scholars, who represent the elite academic candidates of their generation, to undertake graduate studies at Oxford.

The Clarendon Fund was established by Oxford University's Council, the executive policy-forming body of the University consisting of the Vice-Chancellor, heads of departments and other University members. The Fund is financed by Oxford University Press, one of the departments of the University of Oxford; a publishing house which printed its first book in 1478, only two years after William Caxton established the first printing press in England. It is the largest University Press in the world, publishing in multiple academic fields with offices all over the world.

Edward Hyde, later Earl of Clarendon and also Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford from 1660-1667, wrote a famous and highly profitable work, History of the Great Rebellion, about the English Civil War of the 17th century. The profits of his book were used to construct the University-owned Clarendon Building on Broad Street in central Oxford. The Clarendon Building was designed to house Oxford University Press (OUP), and so the Clarendon Fund was named in honour of this famous building and its historic linkages to OUP, the main benefactor of the Clarendon Scholarships.

A distinguishing feature of Clarendon scholarships is that scholars are selected from the leaders in their field - that is, academic departments nominate whom they believe are the most deserving of their place at the University of Oxford based on their academic record and ability to contribute significantly to their field of study, both in the present and future. This feature ensures the best and brightest minds are selected as Clarendon scholars.

The Scholarships cover tuition and college fees in full and a generous grant for living expenses, and are open to students starting a new course at Oxford. They are highly competitive, with less than 10% of applicants selected for the scholarship.

Value of Scholarship

All Clarendon scholarships cover tuition and college fees in full.

Scholars on a full-time course receive a generous annual grant for living costs, which is normally sufficient to cover the living costs of a single student living in Oxford. In 2018-19 this will be at least £14,553. Scholars on a part-time course receive a study support grant to help cover their non-fee costs.


Scholarships are tenable in all subject areas and open to candidates who will be starting a new course.

Nationality: Applicants liable to pay the overseas fee rate at the University of Oxford are eligible.

Clarendon scholars come from all continents in the world: from the USA to Australia, Venezuela to Vietnam and from Norway to Nigeria. In 2010-11, there are 301 Clarendon scholars at Oxford representing 46 different countries.

Level of study: All degree-bearing courses at graduate level are eligible.

This encompasses all full-time and part-time Master's courses (MSt, MSc, BCL/MJur, MBA, MFE, MPhil, BPhil, MSc by Research, MTh) and all DPhil programmes.

Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma courses are not eligible for this scholarship.

Subject: All subjects can be funded by a Clarendon Scholarship. There is no quota by subject or preference for any particular course type.

Type of student: Candidates applying to start a new graduate course at Oxford are eligible. This includes students who are currently studying for a Master's degree at Oxford but who will be re-applying for a D.Phil (you would be eligible for funding for the DPhil).

Candidates who already have a place but who deferred entry from a previous year are not eligible to apply (as you can apply for Clarendon in the year that you applied for your place and then, if you are successful, you can apply to defer your funding if you need to defer your place).

Students who will continue to study for the same degree at Oxford in the next year are not eligible for this scholarship.

Duration of Scholarship

Clarendon Scholarships are offered for the full period that you are liable to pay tuition fees to the University, which is usually the same as the length of your course.

Scholarships are subject to an annual renewal process based on satisfactory academic progress.


Selection criteria vary slightly depending on the subject area and whether applicants apply for a taught or research degree, but include:

An excellent academic record is essential: A high first class honours degree or its equivalent (a GPA score of at least 3.7 if the mark is out of 4, noting that most successful candidates achieve a score higher than 3.7) or an outstanding academic record at Master's level is necessary (noting that an outstanding Master's degree can compensate for a moderate first degree performance). Other indicators of high academic achievement may include individual marks on student transcripts; evidence of previous university prizes or awards; information on your overall position within your cohort; and publications (if applicable).

Aptitude for the proposed course of study: This may be assessed by reviewing academic references, the research proposal, demonstrated evidence of aptitude for research, and the likelihood the scholar will contribute significantly to their field of study.

Student motivation: This is assessed through evidence of the applicant's commitment to their proposed course, evaluated by the personal statement and referees' reports.

How to apply

IF you wish to apply for a Clarendon Scholarship, you must apply simultaneously with your application to the University of Oxford, by ticking the 'Clarendon Fund' box in the University of Oxford Scholarships section of the Application Form for Graduate Study.
You do not need to submit any additional documents specifically for the Clarendon Scholarships and there is no separate scholarship application form. The information that you provide with your application form for graduate study at Oxford will be used to assess your funding application.

The University requires online applications for the majority of programmes. Paper applications are only acceptable where there is no option to make an online application to the course or in other exceptional cases where it is not possible for you to apply online.

Courses that do not accept online applications are listed in the Introduction section of Application Guide.

The benefits of the online application system include:

On line application is available from the website Applications will be open in september. The deadline is in January of the year you wish to begin your studies.

Please note that in order to submit an online application you must be able to pay the application fee using either a Visa or MasterCard credit card.

If it is not possible for you to apply online, a paper application form can be requested from the Graduate Admissions Office (

Please note that in order to submit a paper application you must be able to pay the application fee by credit or debit card using our online store. If this is not possible, you may pay by cheque or bankers draft drawn on a UK bank account.

For more details refer

Paper applications should be sent to:

Graduate Admissions Office
PO Box 738
University of Oxford
Wellington Square
OX1 9FB Oxford
United Kingdom

Useful Contact

Clarendon Scholars' Council
Email : Contact Now

Graduate Admissions & Funding
Email : Contact Now

Phone: +44 (0)1865 280487

In person: Admissions i, 55 Little Clarendon Street, Oxford.

By Post: Graduate Admissions & Funding, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD, UK 


   UK scholarship , UK education , oxford university , scholarship for graduate level studies , Masters/PhD Degrees scholarship

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