Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowships
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
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Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowships

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Category :
Research Fellowships
Research Areas :
Fellowship Provided by :
Stanford Graduate School of Business
Provided to :
Indian men and women for pursuing MBA studies at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai MBA Fellowships encourages talented and motivated Indian men and women who may not otherwise apply to the business school because of financial concerns.

The Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program provides future Indian leaders with the educational foundation to effect positive change in India. Fellows return to India to lead organizations that are at the forefront of growth and development in the rapidly emerging Indian economy. Each year, Stanford may award up to five fellowships.

Within two years of completing their Stanford MBA studies, Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows are required to return to India for a period of at least two years to work for an Indian organization. Upon their return to India, Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows are integral members of Stanford University, Stanford GSB, and Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows communities.

What does it cover?

Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows will receive financial support for the cost of tuition and associated fees for each year of the two-year Stanford MBA Program (approximately $150,000 total).

Selection criteria

Up to 50 Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows finalists will be selected based on:


-Commitment to developing India

-Financial need

As part of the MBA admission process, Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program finalists must meet all Stanford GSB application requirements, including submission of GMAT or GRE and IELTS, PTE, or TOEFL if applicable.

Stanford may select up to five Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows each year from among the finalists based on our primary admission criteria:

(i) Intellectual vitality

(ii) Demonstrated leadership potential

(iii) Personal qualities and contributions

How to apply

The mode of applying is online.


Stanford Graduate School of Business
Knight Management Center
Stanford University
655 Knight Way
Stanford, CA 94305-7298
Telephone: +1 (650) 723-2766
Fax: +1 (650) 725-7831

   fellowships abroad , MBA fellowship , Stanford Graduate School of Business

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