UTB Alumni Association Scholarship
Friday, February 7, 2025
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UTB Alumni Association Scholarship

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Areas of Study :
Level :
Higher Education
Scholarship Funded by :
University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB)
Provided to :
Member of the UTB/TSC Alumni Association

Alumni Association Scholarship is offered by University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB). The aim of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to the students who have shown a sincere interest in obtaining a higher education degree. Alumni Association Scholarship can be utilized for all expenses.

Scholarship Description

The scholarship will be awarded in each semester  to two scholars which amounts to $ 500.00.


The scholars

Immediate family members of Alumni Board members, UTB Development Board members, TSC Foundation members, and TSC Board of Trustees and Board members are not eligible for this scholarship. 

To ensure impartiality, applicants may not receive assistance from any Alumni Board Member when completing any part of the application, nor may any Board Member provide a letter of recommendation.

The scholarship may be reapplied for each semester. This scholarship is need based.


The Scholars will be selected by the Scholarship Selection Committee which comprises of at least five (5) members of the UTB Alumni Association Board. Decisions of the Committee shall be final.

Recipient(s) of the Scholarship will be notified by U.S. Postal mail, email and/or by telephone.

The scholarship recipients must submit a report, in the form of a letter, to the Scholarship Selection Committee upon the completion of the semester when the scholarship was awarded. 

How to Apply :

All applications for consideration must be submitted prior to the deadline to one of the following locations.

On-Campus, Alumni Relations Office, Commissary Building, C/O Marisa Campirano
On-Campus Financial Aid, Tandy Hall, Room 206

The applicants must follow the instructions given below

Useful Contact

University of Texas
Boulevard, Brownsville (UTB)
Phone : 956-882-8200
Website: www.utb.edu

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