Emeritus Fellowship
Monday, February 10, 2025
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Emeritus Fellowship

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Category :
Research Fellowship
Research Areas :
Fellowship Provided by :
Provided to :

Teachers of universities, colleges and institutions

The University Grants Commission floated the Scheme of 'Emeritus Fellowship' in order to provide an opportunity to the superannuated teachers of universities, colleges and institutions approved under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act who have been  actively engaged in research and teaching programmes in the preceding years to  undertake research, without any restriction of position or pay scales.


To provide an opportunity to superannuated teachers of all recognized universities and colleges approved under UGC Act, to pursue active research in their respective field of  specialization.

Target Group and Eligibility

Target Group

Highly qualified and experienced, superannuated or likely to be  superannuated within 6 months, teachers of recognized universities/colleges/institutions.


The eligibility will be based on the quality of research and published work  contributed by the teacher in his/her service career. The awardee (superannuated) can  work under this scheme with a well defined time bound action plan upto the age of 70  years or upto two years (non-extendable) of the award whichever is earlier.

Nature of Assistance Available Under the Scheme

1. The number of slots available under the Scheme are 100 for Science streams and  100 for Humanities, Social Sciences and Languages (total 200 Slots) at any one  given time basis. The assistance available under the scheme is : 
2. Honorarium of Rs. 31,000/- p.m. from UGC. for two years ( non-extendable) 
3. Contingency grant (Non-lapsable) of Rs. 50,000/- p.a towards secretarial  assistance, travel within the country connected with the research project,  stationery, postage, consumables, books and journals and equipments. However 3 books and journals and equipments etc. procured out of the contingency grant will 
be the property of the university/college/institute. 
4. Foreign visit in connection with the approved research work of the awardee will  be limited to once in a year with the prior approval/no-objection of the  Institution/University where the project work is being undertaken alongwith that  of UGC. This will be further subject to no financial liability on the part of UGC. 
The expenditure would be accounted for audit by the university department concerned  like any other departmental expenditure. The Emeritus Fellow would be entitled to such  other privileges including medical facilities as available to the university faculty  members, but not housing.

Procedure for Applying for the Scheme

The eligible superannuated teachers in universities / institutions can apply any time  throughout the year in the prescribed format for the Scheme. They are  required to send two of their best publications/research works with the application.

The application (two sets of the proposal ) has to be routed through the  Registrar/Principal of University/College, the applicant chooses to work with.

Procedure for Approval by the UGC

i) Emeritus Fellowship is awarded on the basis of recommendation of the Expert  Committee constituted by the Commission for the purpose. The applicant, should  not be holding any other post or be gainfully employed anywhere at the time of  joining the Emeritus Fellowship Award. The awardee is to join the award within  one month from the issue of the award letter. No extension under the scheme is  admissible and hence the proposal should be well defined with a time bound  action plan so that it is completed within the prescribed tenure. The Emeritus  Fellow may also take the Major Research Project provided that they will receive  honorarium from one scheme only. 
ii) Preference will be given to Women/SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy-layer)/ Physically  Handicapped and Minorities.

Procedure for Release of Grants

After receiving the joining report (in the prescribed Performa enclosed)  of the awardee alongwith required documents through the competent authority, of the  University/Institute etc., the first instalment of the admissible grant is released by UGC. 
However, the second instalment is released only on receipt of Progress Report, Utilisation  Certificate and Statement of Expenditure of the previous instalment of grant paid in the  prescribed Performa.
An audited Utilisation Certificate is required from the Institution on completion of the  award. However 10% of the allocated amount from the second year contingency grant shall be released only on receipt of final report, Utilisation Certificate and Statement of  Expenditure.

Procedure for Monitoring the Progress of the Scheme

An annual progress report of the work done shall be submitted by the awardee. It is  expected that the awardee will ensure the completion of the project undertaken and  submit a final report of the work together with a synopsis of the work done in 1000 words  for reference and use. However, no extension is permissible beyond the total period of 2 years and the awardee ceases to be UGC, Emeritus Fellow immediately after expiry of the due date. Any claim/reference to this effect will not be acceptable to the Commission. In the final report, the Fellow must indicate the objectives set forth and objectives achieved alongwith the possible application of the research output and names of user  Agency/Organization and Industry which can take advantage of the research outputs. The UGC may send the reports/output to the concerned agency for their comments and use, if  any. The Fellow shall also mention in the research publication that the research has been sponsored by the UGC under Emeritus Fellowship.

Cancellation of Award 
• Misconduct, including research piracy 
• Unsatisfactory work 
• Ineligibility of the candidate if noticed later


University Grants Commission 
Selection & Award Bureau 
South Campus, Delhi University 
Benito Juarez Marg New Delhi-110021

   fellowships in india , teaching fellowship , ugc

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