IGCAR Junior Research Fellowship
Monday, March 17, 2025
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IGCAR Junior Research Fellowship

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Category :
Junior Research Fellowship
Research Areas :
Physical, chemical, engineering, and environmental and information sciences
Fellowship Provided by :
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam
Provided to :

Aspiring candidates for pursuing PhD in Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI)

Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam  provides Junior Research Fellowships for eligible candidates for pursuing PhD in Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), a deemed to be university of Dept. of Atomic Energy) or University of Madras. The aim of the fellowship is to empower the young, talented and motivated students to contribute to carry out research for their PhD in the areas of physical, chemical, engineering, and environmental and information sciences. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam is a premier research institute dedicated to the development of robust fast reactor technology based on intense multi-disciplinary research. 

Research Areas 

Chemical Sciences: Chemical thermodynamics, Solid state and high temperature chemistry, Electrochemistry, Spectroscopy and laser, Radiochemistry, Advanced separation techniques, Actinide Chemistry, Trace / ultra-trace analytical techniques and Chemical sensors

Physical Sciences: Condensed Matter Physics: Investigations on behavior of materials at low temperatures, high pressures and magnetic fields to explore novel properties of materials

Engineering Sciences: Robotics and Development of Intelligent machines, Thermal Hydraulics and Structural Mechanics, Design of critical components, Modeling studies, Post-accident Safety Analysis, Wireless networking, Parallel computing, Embedded and Simulator systems, Non-destructive Evaluation and Reliability, Chemical Process Design and Modeling 


The qualifying degrees for the above projects should be in one of the following disciplines:

Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Metallurgy/Materials Science & Engg/Materials Technology, Chemical Engg, Electronics & Communication Engg, Mechanical Engg, Atmospheric Science, Nuclear Engg/Nuclear Science & Technology, Library and Information Science


The selected candidates will be initially taken as Junior Research Fellows (JRF) and will be paid a stipend of Rs. 31,000/- per month. The fellowship will be provided initially for a period of two years. Continuation of the fellowship is subject to satisfactory performance and review at the end of each year. On satisfactory performance,
the tenure of Fellowship will be further extended and upgraded to Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) from the third year onwards with a stipend of Rs.35,000/- per month (consolidated). The total period of the fellowship shall in no case exceed five years. They are entitled for contingency grant including book allowance of Rs.32,000/- per year.

Eligibility Criteria :

The candidates should :

(i) Physics / Materials Science: Mathematics/Numerical Methods must be one of the subjects studied at the M.Sc. level and Chemistry as ancillary subject at B.Sc. level
(ii) Chemistry: Physics and Mathematics as ancillary subjects at B.Sc. level
(iii) Applied Physics/Applied Electronics: Physics and Mathematics as ancillary subjects at B.Sc. level 

Candidates who have completed  M.Sc and  M.LIS will be registered for Ph.D. with other reputed university like University of Madras, Anna University.


Selection is based on  the academic performance of the students. Applications will be scrutinized and the eligible candidates would be called for a written test. For M.Sc and  M.LIS Percentage of marks of each previous semester/year of the qualifying degree will be used to decide the cut-off. Written Test will be conducted at Chennai, Kolkatta, Bhubaneswar and Hyderabad, subject to sufficient number of candidates opting for a Centre.

Candidates with valid UGC-CSIR-NET Fellowship /JEST score of 90 percentile and above/M.E./M.Tech. degree through GATE score, with an aggregate of 60% or higher in their M.E./M.Tech. degree/GATE score above a cut-off are exempted from written test and will be called directly for the selection interview. The Interview for all short listed candidates will be conducted at Chennai/Kalpakkam.

How to apply

Candidates can download the Application form and Hall Ticket from the institute website www.igcar.gov.in . Candidates should send the completed Application form and Hall Ticket along with the required enclosures such as Proof of date of birth only date of birth certificate/SSC certificate or equivalent certificate will be accepted; caste certificate, if applicable; degree certificates; mark lists of B.Sc/M.Sc/ Master in Library/Information Science; MLIS/B.E./B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech/B.S Engg/B.Sc (Tech); consolidated mark sheets, mark sheets of all previous years/semesters; sheet giving details of conversion from CGPA to percentage marks, where applicable; UGC-CSIR NET Fellowship certificate, JEST score sheet, GATE score sheet where applicable. 

Application form and Hall Ticket  to be send by Post (Registered or Speed post of Indian Postal service) to “The Assistant Administrative Officer [R], Recruitment Section, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kancheepuram District Kalpakkam-603102 (Tamil Nadu). The application should Superscribe with "JRF, Advt. No. 3/2014" also the discipline clearly .

Attested copies of the following certificates must accompany the application form without which the application is liable to be rejected

Useful Contact

Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,
Department of Atomic Energy,
Tamilnadu - 603102
Kerala, INDIA.
Tel: 044-27480267
Fax: 044-27480060
E-mail: Contact Now
Website: www.igcar.gov.in

   junior research fellowship , Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research , PhD fellowship

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