Maharashtra Talent Search Examination
Thursday, February 13, 2025
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MTSE (Maharashtra Talent Search Examination) for students of Class VII to X of Maharashtra

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Areas of Study :
All streams
Level :
Class V11 to X 
Scholarship Funded by :
N. Wadia College, Pune
Provided to :
Meritorious Students of Class V11 to X all over the Maharashtra

N. Wadia College, Pune provides Maharashtra Talent Search Exam (MTSE)  for students of Class VII to X of Maharashtra. The exam  is conducted to search talented students and to equip the students for National Talent Search Exam (Class 10) and other competitive examinations in future. To encourage the students to appear for various competitive examinations and to create an urge and ambition to succeed in each examinations from an early age. To honor and encourage the selected students by awarding scholarships and prizes.

Cash Awards & Scholarships

Merit list of MTSE will be prepared at two levels.

(a) State Level Merit List
(b) District Level Merit List

Merit list at each level will have urban and rural components.

Schools at all district places and within corporation limits will be treated as urban while all schools at villages and taluka places are incorporated in rural areas.

1) State Level Prize : Students appearing in the state level merit list will be awarded State Level Prize of Rs. 1000/- each.

2) District Level Prize : Students who could not secure place in the State level merit list but have made it in the District Level Merit List will be awarded to the District Level Prize of Rs. 400 /- The number of students selected for the award of MTS Prize at state / district level depends upon the number of students appearing for the examination from the entire state and the marks secured.

3) Special Prizes : Rs. 200 /- each will be awarded for those students who could not awarded State or District Prize but have secured marks more than particular marks.

4) Taluka Prizes : Rs. 150 /- each students who could not awarded State or District Level Prize but have done well in their Talukas.

5) Consolation Prizes : Besides these Prize, some students will be awarded consolation prizes of Rs. 100 /-.

6) Merit Prizes : Rs. 5000/-, Rs. 3000/- & Rs. 2000/- will be awarded to the first three students in the state level merit lists of rural and urban areas for each standard. A special prize of Rs. 500/- will be awarded to a student standing first in each paper & every section of written examination.

7) Other Medium Prize : Rs. 400/- will be awarded to a certificate holder having maximum marks amongst Hindi, Urdu, and Gujarati medium studensts.

8) Certificates : The students securing 70 marks or more out of 200 in written examination will be awarded a certificate of merit.

Eligibility Criteria

ANTSE Examination Pattern 

Pattern of Question Paper :

There will be two written papers for all standards and will be conducted on the same day for three hours without any recess between.
The questions for the written examination will be of multiple choice type. Four alternative answers will be provided for each question and the student has to select the appropriate answer.

Std. Paper No. 1 Paper No. 2 Total Interview
Que. Marks Time
For All Standards
Mental Ability Test 50 q., 50 marks
Language 50 q., 50 marks
Total 100 q., 100 marks Time : 90 min. For All Standards
Scholastic Aptitude Test Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) 40 q., 40 marks
Social Science (History, Geography, Civics, Economics) 40 q., 40 marks
Maths (Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic) 20 q., 20 marks
Total 100 q., 100 marks, Time : 90 min 200 200 180 Minutes No Interview for Std. VIII & IX
Interview of 50 marks for Std. X

For MTS Examination student will be provided with a single question paper having both the sections i.e. MAT and SAT and he will have to attempt these 200 questions in 3 hrs. i.e. 180 mins.

While in NTS Examination at standard X two separate papers for each section will be provided and students will have to attempt 100 questions from each section in 1.5 hrs. i.e. 90 mins.

Application Procedure

Application forms can be obtained from Headmaster / Principal of the School. Head of the institutes are requested to demand the No. of Forms required by them for Std. VIII, IX and X on the school letter-head, which shall enable the centre to send the forms accordingly. Fees for these forms can be sent to the centre at the time of submission of the filled forms. Please return the unused forms if any, along with the filled forms. Individual student can obtain application form by paying the fees in advance.

The Schools can download the Application Form using the link given below and print the required number of copies of the same.

Candidates can Download the Application Form from institute website

Other Possible Ways to get the Application Form
Personal Contact to the Office. (MTS Office Address.)

Completely filled application forms along with the examination fee should reach MTS office on or before last date of application
On submission of application forms, students will receive Acknowledgement and Admit Card. Students should bring this admit card while coming for the examination. Xerox it if necessary.
In case of individual students the acknowledgement card will be sent to their residential addresses while for students applying through schools or coordinators, the acknowledgement cards will be sent to their respective schools / coordinators.

If students do not receive Acknowledgement and Admit Card before the end of March, then please contact MTS Office.


Centre for Talent Search & Excellence
N. Wadia College Campus,
Pune - 411001
Phone: +91 - 020 - 26168486
Fax : +91 - 020 - 26161479
Email: Contact I​

   talent search exam , school level scholarship , talent scholarship , scholarship for Maharashtra students , scholarship for meritorious students

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