NTPC Management Scholarship
Monday, March 31, 2025
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NTPC Management Scholarship : Introduction

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Areas of Study :
Level :
PG Level
Scholarship Funded by :
National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd ( NTPC)
Provided to :
SC/ ST/ Physically challenged students

The country's premier power producer, National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd (NTPC) has started scholarship scheme to promote the educational interests of the scheduled caste / scheduled tribe / physically challenged students and thus helping them in shaping their careers. NTPC is offering 15 scholarships to students belonging to SC / ST / PH categories for pursuing full time MBA/ PGDBM course.

The scholarship scheme is admissible to the eligible students pursuing their second year studies. The amount of scholarship shall be Rs.1500/- per month per student for a maximum period of 2 years. The 15 scholarships are divided equally, i.e 5 each for SC, ST and physically challenged students. The number of scholarships may be reviewed by NTPC Management from time to time.

Corporate Welfare Group (NTPC) shall be the nodal agency for administrating the scholarship scheme. They shall intimate details of the scheme to the head of institutions requesting to forward two applications in each category i.e. SC/ST/PC. Head of institution may notify the scheme appropriately among the eligible candidates including displaying on notice boards.


Students belonging to scheduled caste / scheduled tribe / physically challenged categories pursuing 2 years full time MBA/ PGDBM with specialization in Human Resource Management / Finance Management from specified institutions shall be eligible to apply for the NTPC scholarships.

They should have passed the 1st and 2nd semesters or 1st year examination in first attempt and must have obtained not less than 60% of marks.

Physically challenged students primarily of ortho, hearing and visually challenged categories will be considered. However disability may be exchanged / substituted in case students from any particular disability is not available. The students having disability more than 40% shall be eligible for this scholarship.

Application Procedure

Students fulfilling the eligibility conditions may submit their applications in the prescribed format, along with supporting documents to the head of the institution. While forwarding the application, the institute shall certify to the effect that information furnished by the candidates is correct and the institute is recognized by the Government of India.

The documents needed along with the application form are :

The institute must verify the caste/ disability certificate.


Based on the applications received, selection will be made by NTPC on the basis of performance of eligible candidates in the first & second semester / first year examination and any other criteria that may be decided by NTPC. Institutions, which do not offer percentage of marks, may be asked to furnish percentage equivalence. Concerned head of institution shall be intimated by corporate welfare group regarding the selected students along with cheques for payment to be handed over by concerned Head of Institution to the selected students.

Scholarship for the previous period (from month of admission to the month of announcement of the scholarship) shall be paid to the candidates in one lump sum. For subsequent months, scholarship shall be paid @ Rs.1500/- pm per student till the end of the course through post dated cheques. The institution will disburse the cheque at the beginning of each month to the student, till the end of academic session.

The NTPC Scholarship will be subject to continuous satisfactory performance and good conduct of the student during the course. Awardees of scholarship who fail to pass the subsequent semester and/or annual examination in the first attempt, and on indulging in any activity amounting to misconduct as per the rules and regulations of Institution shall be disqualified from continuance of receipt of the scholarship.


Contact Address

NTPC Limited,  
SCOPE Complex, 
Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, 
New Delhi - 110 003
EPABX Board Nos.: 011-24360100, 24387000, 24387001
Fax : 011-24361018
Email : Contact Us
website : www.ntpc.co.in


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