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Areas of Study :
Scientific, technical, industrial or commercial studies
Level :
Scholarship Funded by :
R D Setna Scholarship Fund
Provided to :
Outstanding and deserving Indian students of all communities
R D Sethna Scholarship is one of the oldest and best known scholarship programme which was initiated after the death of Mr R D Sethna, Indian Philanthropist in 1938 assisting outstanding and deserving students of all communities. The R D Sethna Scholarship Fund grants only loan scholarships to students who are citizens of India, regardless of community, caste or creed.
A students’ good academic record is necessary among considerations like the financial status of the parents, a combination of which is taken into consideration while deciding the award of scholarship. R D Sethna Scholarships, in short, are investments in individuals to empower them for pursuing their academic interests and career.
Loan scholarships are granted to enable students to undertake scientific, technical, industrial or commercial studies in India and overseas on the condition that they are repayable with interest in terms of the agreement and other documents required to be entered into and executed by applicants and their male guarantors. The scholarship covers both books and tuition fees.
Only those applicants who have passed at least the Secondary School Certificate examination or other equivalent examination and who have secured not less than 50% of the total marks in the last examination given by them prior to the making of the applications are eligible to apply for a loan scholarship.
The person proposed as guarantor must be a male, and permanent resident in Mumbai having a monthly income of not less than Rs.10,000/- for applicants pursuing studies in India and Rs.15,000/- for applicants pursuing studies overseas.
Applicants must submit letters of recommendation from 2 recommenders who are permanent residents in Mumbai.
Applications for loan scholarships are invited by the Trust from 1st April each year. The last date for receiving applications for overseas studies is 31 May and for local studies is 31st August each year. Only successful applicants will be informed of the grant, and no intimation will be given to unsuccessful applicants.
All Applications should be made on the prescribed form, which can be obtained on request from the Trust office. No Forms will be sent to intending applicants by post, unless the request is accompanied by payment of Rs.50/- either by a postal order or by demand draft in favour of R D Sethna Scholarship Fund. Applicants must also send a self addressed Rs.10/- stamped envelope of size: 23 cm x 10 cm.
Applicants must indicate whether the form is required for studies in India or overseas.
The application form must be legibly filled in and must be accompanied by the following documents.
All copies submitted with the application form should be certified as true copies by a S.E.M. or Gazetted Officer or head of any recognized college or institution in which the applicant is studying or has studied.
Loan scholarships, when granted, will be paid to the applicant in such installments as the trustees may think fit, having regard to the circumstances of each individual case.
Applicants to whom the loan scholarships are granted and their guarantors will be required to execute such documents personally at the Trust office as trustees may think necessary to evidence the grant of the loan scholarships and to ensure the repayment thereof, and in particular the following:-
If loan scholarships are not availed of without reasonable cause within 6 weeks from the date on which they are stated to be required, or if the applicant or his guarantor fails to complete the requisite formalities or execute necessary documents within 4 weeks of their being called upon to do so, the grant shall stand cancelled.
Every applicant who is granted a loan scholarship of a sum of Rs.10,000/- or more to undertake studies in India or overseas is required, after such grant but before any payment is made, to effect an Endowment Life Insurance policy for a sum equivalent to or in excess of the loan scholarship on his life with an Insurance Company for a period of not more than 20 years. An existing insurance policy could be assigned to the trustees if it covers the loan amount.
The policy will have to be assigned by the applicant to the trustees and will only be reassigned to the applicant on repayment of the full amount of the loan scholarship due. The policy will have to be kept alive by punctual payment of premium by the applicant or his guarantor and all receipts evidencing such payment from time to time will have to be handed over or forwarded to the trust office.
The following procedure should be adopted regarding obtaining L.I.C. or any other Life Insurance companies Policies from students who are granted loan scholarships.
The insurance policy should be equivalent to or more than the amount of loan sanctioned. The term of the insurance policy should be 20 years with a L.I.C. Table plan of 14, i.e. “Endowment Assurance Policy with Profits/Accrued benefits” or a similar policy from Tata AIG Life Insurance Co. Ltd i.e. “Assure 20 years Security & Growth Plan” any other.
The student should preferably have the policy issued by L.I.C. branch Unit No.911 located at Industrial Assurance Building, 2nd floor, Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020.
The premium should be payable on a yearly basis. The payment of premium for the insurance policy should be done through ECS mode i.e. through the bank account of the parent. For this the parent should give standing instructions to his/her bank to directly debit their respective bank account and make payment to L.I.C. or any other Life Insurance company from where the insurance policy has been issued.
A copy of the standing instructions should be submitted to our Trust along with an acknowledgement from the concerned bank and the concerned Life Insurance Company branch office. At no time should the parent withdraw the standing instructions until the entire loan is repaid to the Trust.
R D Setna Scholarship Fund
Mr. Farrokh M. Rustomji - CEO, Esplanade House, 29 Hazarimal Somani Marg,
Fort, Mumbai-400 001.
Phone : +91 22 2207 7044
Email: Contact
Website : www.rdsethnascholarships.org
loan scholarship
scholarship in india and abroad
iti scholarship
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