Joint Entrance Examination - JEE (Advanced)
Friday, February 7, 2025
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JEE (Advanced) : Test Pattern

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JEE (Advanced) will consist of two question papers (Paper I & Paper 2), each of three hours duration. Both the papers are compulsory. The question papers will be bilingual (in English and Hindi). Each of the question papers will consist of three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The questions will be of objective type, designed to test comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates.

The candidates must carefully read and adhere to the detailed instructions given in the question paper. Negative marks will be awarded for incorrect answers to some of the questions.

The answers for each of the questions are to be marked on a separate, 2-sheet carbonless paper. Candidate must not separate or disturb the alignment of the upper and lower sheets at any stage during the examination. The upper sheet is specially designed machine readable sheet of paper (ORS-Optical Response Sheet). While answering each of the questions the candidate is expected to darken the bubble(s) against correct answer(s) only on the upper sheet using black ball point pen. The darkening on the upper sheet should be done in such a manner that the impression is seen on the lower sheet. Responses recorded on the upper sheet only will be taken as final. The candidate can take away the lower sheet with the permission of the invigilator(s) at the end of the examination.

Use of electronic devices like mobile phone, calculator, iPod, etc. is NOT PERMITTED in JEE (Advanced) - 2013. Materials like log table, book, notebook, etc. SHOULD NOT be brought into the examination hall.


Only candidates who appear in both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be considered for ranking. The marks obtained by a candidate in Physics in JEE (Advanced) will be equal to the marks scored in Physics part of Paper 1 plus the marks scored in Physics part of Paper 2. Marks obtained in Chemistry and Mathematics will be calculated in the same way.

The aggregate mark obtained by a candidate in JEE (Advanced) is the sum of the marks awarded to him/her in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Rank lists is prepared based on the aggregate marks in JEE (Advanced).

If the aggregate mark scored by two or more candidates are the same, then the following tie-break policy will be used for awarding ranks:

Higher rank will be assigned to the candidate who has obtained higher marks in Mathematics. If this does not break the tie, higher rank will be assigned to the candidate who has obtained higher marks in Physics. If there is a tie even after this, candidates will be assigned the same rank.

Only candidates who score the minimum prescribed marks in each subject and in aggregate will be included in the rank list. The minimum prescribed mark varies with the category as shown in the following table.

Minimum percentage of marks prescribed for inclusion in the rank list :

Rank List Minimum % of marks in each subject Minimum % of aggregate marks
Common rank list (CRL) 10.0 35.0
OBC-NCL rank list
SC rank list
ST rank list 5.0
Common-PwD rank list (CRL-PwD) 5.0
OBC-NCL-PwD rank list 5.0
SC-PwD rank list 5.0
ST-PwD rank list 5.0
Preparatory course rank lists 2.5

NB: CRL is the rank list in which all candidates (across all categories) will be given ranks.

Category-wise All India Ranks (AIR) of successful candidates will be available on the online portal after the results are declared. The text messages will be sent to the candidates to their registered mobile numbers. Individual rank cards will NOT be sent to candidates.

However, qualifying in JEE Advanced, filling up choices and/or participating in the joint seat allocation process do not guarantee a candidate to get admission in IITs. Admission will depend on the availability of seats during various rounds of seat allocation.

Architecture Aptitude Test for B. Arch. Program

B. Arch. program is available at IIT Kharagpur and IIT Roorkee only. Candidates desirous of joining the B. Arch. (Architecture) program will have to PASS in the Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT). Only those candidates who have qualified in JEE (Advanced) are eligible to appear in AAT.

AAT will be conducted only at the seven zonal coordinating IITs.

The test will consist of one paper of three hours duration. The question paper for AAT will be available only in English language.

No separate admit card will be issued for AAT. The original admit card of JEE (Advanced) should be produced in the AAT examination hall.

Candidates should bring their own drawing and colouring aids.

The Joint Implementation Committee of JEE (Advanced) will decide the cut-off marks for passing AAT.

Results of AAT will be declared on the JEE (Advanced) online portal.

Candidates securing marks above the cut-off will be declared PASS in the test. There is no separate ranking in the AAT. There is no separate cut-off for students of any category.

Allotment of seat will be solely based on the category-wise All India Rank in the JEE (Advanced)


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