Joint Entrance Examination - JEE (Advanced)
Saturday, February 15, 2025
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JEE (Advanced) : How to Register

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After the declaration of JEE (Main) scores, top candidates qualified in Paper - I (including all the categories) are eligible to register for JEE (Advanced). Candidates can register for JEE (Advanced) only through the online portal where detailed instructions will be provided.

The registration procedure consists of three basic steps.

Step 1:
After login, provide the basic data including the choice of the language of question paper (English or Hindi), the choices of the cities for the examination. The candidate will have the option of adding another cell phone number on top of the number/s provided during JEE (Main) registration. Please note that the JEE (Advanced) result will be sent to one of these numbers by SMS.

Step 2:
Upload the scanned copies of all requisite documents. Refer official site for further details

Step 3:
Pay the requisite registration fee for JEE (Advanced). Registration fee is NEITHER refundable NOR transferable.

While registering for JEE (Advanced), candidate need to provide following information.

Admit Card for JEE (Advanced)

Candidates who successfully registered for JEE (Advanced) can download the admit card from the online registration portal.

The admit card will bear the following details of the candidate: Name, Roll number for JEE (Advanced), photograph, signature, date of birth, address for correspondence, category and language of the question paper. In addition, the admit card will have the name and address of the examination centre allotted to the candidate.

Candidates should carefully examine the entries in the admit card and in case of any discrepancy, contact the Chairman, JEE (Advanced) of the respective zonal coordinating IIT.

In case the admit card is not available for downloading, the candidate should contact the Chairman, JEE (Advanced) of the respective zonal coordinating IIT.

A copy of the downloaded admit card should be produced at the time of examination. The original admit card will be issued to the candidate during the Paper 1 examination. This original admit card must be retained safely till all the formalities of admission are complete.

JEE (Advanced) will be held in select cities and towns in India. Candidates should compulsorily choose three cities / towns from a zone of their choice at the time of online registration. Efforts will be made to allot the city / town of the candidate’s choice but a different city / town in the same zone may be allotted under exceptional circumstances. Request for change of city / town will NOT be entertained under any circumstance.

Identity Verification

Candidates must carry a printed copy of the downloaded admit card and their original photo identity card for the examination. Only candidates having a valid admit card will be allowed to write the examination. The candidates will be given the original admit cards upon identity verification during the examination.

The candidate’s identity will be verified by invigilators as well as IIT representatives. If the identity of the candidate is in doubt, the candidate may not be allowed to appear in the examination. However, the authorities at their discretion may provisionally permit the candidate to appear in the examination after completing certain formalities. No extra time will be allowed for completing the examination in lieu of the time taken for completing these formalities.

Impersonation in the examination is a serious offence and will lead to disqualification of the candidate from JEE (Advanced).

IIT's in India

The Indian Institute of Technologies are: 

Name Abbreviation Place
Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University)
IIT (BHU) Varanasi
Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai IITBhilai Bhilai
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar IITBBS Bhubaneswar
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay IITB Mumbai
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi IITD New Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad IITDharwad Dharwad
Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar IITGN Gandhinagar
Indian Institute of Technology Goa IITGoa Goa
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati IITG Guwahati
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad IITH Hyderabad
Indian Institute of Technology Indore IITI Indore
Indian Institute of Technology Jammu IITJammu Jammu
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur IITJ Jodhpur
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur IITK Kanpur
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur IITKgp Kharagpur
Indian Institute of Technology Madras IITM Chennai
Indian Institute of Technology Mandi IITMandi Mandi
Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad IITPKD Palakkad
Indian Institute of Technology Patna IITP Patna
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee IITR Roorkee
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar IITRPR Ropar
Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati IITTP Tirupati


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