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SLIET Entrance Test (SET) : Sliet Entrance Test SET VI

Conducted by Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology (SLIET), Punjab
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For admission to M.Tech Programme

Paper-I : Related to Concerned PG Programmes

(i) Syllabus for  Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Engg.Maths: Laplace,Transformation & Fourier Series, Partial differential equations,vector calculus,curve fitting,Regression analysis & linear correlation.

TOM & SOM: Cams,Gyroscope,Balancing,Vibrations,Bending & Deflection of Beams,Pressure Vessel,Rotating Rings & Cylinders.

Fluid Mechanics & Machines:  Introduction,static pressure,Gauges,flow of liquids through orifices & pipes,working principles of hydraulic machines & pumps.

 Material Science: Bonding in solids & crystals,structureof Material Imperfection in solids,Heat Treatment, Magnetic materials,Dielectric and other materials.

Thermal Science: Basics I.C Engines,Steam Nozzles,Steam Turbines,Compressors & Gas Turbines,different modes of Heat Transfer.

Operation Research:- Linear Programmeming,Network Models,Queuing Theory,PERT,CPM

Metal Cutting & Forming: Tool Nomenclature, Orthogonal & oblique cutting, Force system in turning, milling.Fundamentals of Dynamomentry,Temperature measurement in machining,Types & application of different cutting fluids,plasticity,theories of failure,analysis of rolling,plane strain forging,extrusion,drawing.

Measurement & Quality Control: Standards of measurement,measurement of displacement,speed,stress strain,force,Torque,spur gears etc.introduction of quality control,control charts, Acceptance sampling,TQM,reliability.

Work Study & Ergonomic: Productivity, Methods Study, Time Study,work sampling,Ergonomics. Metal Casting & Fabrication:-Types of Molding Sand,Solidification of Metals Design of Risers, Various Molding & Casting processes. Arc Welding Process, TIG,MIG,CO2,Plasma,Resistance Welding etc., weldability of steel, CI., Stainless steel & Aluminium,Welding defects, Powder Metallurgy.

Non-Conventional Machining: Processes EDM, ECM, CHM, USM, AJM, WJM, EBM, IBM,PAM.

Mechatronics: Introduction, Pneumatics, Pneumatic Actuators & Valves, Basic Pneumatic circuits,fluidics & fluid logic,Pneumatic sensors, programmemable logic controllers,encoders.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (CIMS): Type of manufacturing system,Group Technology,Components of CIM,Computer Aided Part Programmeming,Adaptive Control System.

(iii) Food Engineering & Technology

Technology of Fruit and Vegetable Processing: Extraction and preservation of fruit juices, jam, jelly and marmalades, Intermediate moisture products, Canning of fruits and vegetables, Drying and Dehydration of fruit & vegetables Freezing, Chutney, Pickles and tomato Products, Utilization of by products.

Dairy Engineering: Cleaning and sanitation in dairy industries, Homogenization, pasteurization, Sterilization, Evaporation and  Drying of milk, Utilization of by products.

Food Chemistry: Physico-Chemical characteristics of food constituents, Changes in food constituents during processing and their determination methods, Enzymes and their applications in food processing.

Food Packaging and Storage Engineering: Properties of packaging materials, Packaging equipment and machinery, Food packaging systems, packaging standards and Role of packing in environmental pollution, Storage requirements and structures, handling equipments, Management Practices.

Biotechnology: Principles of biochemistry,  Microbial  products, Techniques of genetic engineering, Enzyme technology, Tissue culture technology, Environmental biotechnology.

Animal Products Technology: Meat processing and preservation, Sausage, Meat Plant sanitation and safety, Fish processing and preservation, Fish products, Utilization of by-products.

Food Biochemistry: Cell biochemistry, Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Food Analysis and Quality Control; Quality attributes and measurements, Consistency and viscosity,   Modern techniques of food analysis, Measurements of various properties, sensory quality and analysis, Food laws and regulations.

Technology of Cereals and Pulses: Structure and composition, Wheat milling technology, Rice Milling, Milling of pulses, Cereal based extruded products, Utilization of by-products.

Industrial Microbiology :Techniques of strain development, Microbial growth, Food spoilage, Microbial products.

: Biochemical Engineering: Media sterilization, Air Sterilization, Enzyme Kinetics, Bioreactor fermenter, Aeration and Agitation.

Food Processing Plant Layout and Design:  Network analysis of processes, Evaluation of layouts, Plant Buildings, Cost analysis, Plant layout of different industries.

Beverage Technology: Non-alcoholic beverages, Alcoholic beverages, Instrumentation and process control in heverage industry.

Food Engineering: Material and energy balance, Flow of fluids, Thermal processing, Freezing, Fluidization, Refrigeration and air conditioning Leaching & Extraction.

(iii) Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Electrical technology and Networks

Introduction to electrical systems: DC and AC circuits, basic electrical components, electromagnetism   alternating quantities, AC power, single phase series and parallel circuits,   resonance circuit, Matrices with graphs, Nodal and mesh analysis. Network theorems; superposition, Thevenin, Norton, reciprocity, Millman's, substitution, compensation, Tellegen's,   wye-delta transformation, steady state sinusoidal analysis using phasors, Fourier series, linear constant coefficient differential and difference equations; time domain analysis and  frequency domain analysis of RLC series and parallel circuits, convolution, 2-port network parameters, driving point and transfer functions, state equation for networks, attenuators (lattice, T-type, p-type, L-type, ladder type, balanced), conventional filters, passive network synthesis (positive real functions, LC network, synthesis of dissipative network, two terminal R-L and R-C network).

Electronics Principles:Characteristics and equivalent circuits (large and small signal) of diodes (pn junction, zener, schottky, varactor), BJT, JFETs, thyristor, UJT, and MOSFET;   clipping, clamping, rectifier; biasing and bias stability of transistor and FET amplifiers. Amplifiers: single and multi-stage (coupling), differential, operational, feedback and power. Analysis of amplifers; frequency response of amplifiers. Simple op-amp circuits. Filters. Sinusoidal oscillators; criterion for oscillation.   Function generators and wave-shaping circuits, Power supplies.

Digital electronics and Microprocessors :Number systems and arithmetic (binary, Gray , BCD , XS-3, hamming, ASCII, EBCDIC codes) Boolean algebra; minimization of Boolean functions; logic gates; digital IC families.  Combinational and sequential circuits.  Sample and hold circuits, ADCs and DACs. Semiconductor memories. ALU design, Microprocessor (8085): architecture, programmeming, memory and I/O interfacing (8155, 8255, 8253, 8251, 8257, 8279, 8259)

Control Theory :Basic control system components; block diagrammatic description, signal flow graphs, reduction of block diagrams, input test signals, properties of systems: linearity, time-invariance, stability and causality. Open loop and closed loop (feedback) systems.  Properties of linear time- invariance (LTI) systems. Transient and steaty state analysis of LTI system and frequency response.   LTI control system analysis: Root loci, Routh Hurwitz criterion, Bode and Nyquist plots;   elements of lead and lag compensations, elements of  PID control. State space representation of systems, block diagram for state equations, transfer function decomposition: direct, cascade and parallel, solution of state equation: Laplace method, Calay-Hamilton method, Diagonalization method and Sylvester's method.

Transducers and Instrumentation:Bridges and potentiometers, PMMC moving iron, dynamometer and induction type instruments; measurement of voltage, current, power, energy and power factor; instrument transformers; digital voltmeters and multimeters; phase, time and frequency measurement; Q-meter, oscilloscopes, potentiometric recorders, error analysis. Transducers - elastic, resistive, inductive, capacitive, thermo-electric, piezoelectric, photoelectric, electro-mechanical, electro-chemical, and ultrasonic. Measurement of displacement, velocity , acceleration, shock, vibration, force, torque, power, strain, stress, pressure, flow, temperature, humidity, viscosity, and density. Energy storing elements, suspension systems, and dampers.

Programmeming Concepts

Algorithms, Programmeming in C and C++: data types, console / file input and output, arrays, structures, pointers, functions, command line arguments, passing of parameters from one function to other, Concept of OOP.

(iv) Polymer Technology

Chemistry: Physical chemistry: Properties of gases, heat & thermodynamics, chemical equillibrium, chemical kinetics. Organic chemistry: classification & nomenclature of organic compound, functional groups & derivatives, stereochemistry.

Polymer Technology: Concept and classifications of polymers, average molecular weight and concept of Mn, Mw, Mv, Mz,  Functionality principle, addition polymerization; free radical, Ionic, coordination, condensation polymerization and co-polymerization, methods of polymerization ? bulk, solution, emulsion and suspension. Structure property and applications of following polymers, PE, PP, PS, PVC, ABS, PMMA, PC, PTFE, Nylon, Polyester, PF, UF, MF, polyurethane, Epoxy, plastics.  Natural rubber, SBR, Nitrile rubber, silicon, Butyl, Polyisobutylene, EPDM rubbers.  Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids- Maxwell and Voigt model, creep and stress relax ion properties, capillary and rotational rheometer, basic understanding of polymer process such as extrusion, injection, blow, rotational, calendaring, thermoforming, compresion moulding, types of spinning techniques for fibres. Mechanical properties such as Tensile, compressive, impact, shear fatigue test, thermal properties such as: heat deflection temperature, vicat softening temperature, brittleness temperature; electrical properties: dielectric strength, dissipation factor, insulation resistance, arc resistance; Chemical properties such as emergent test, stein resistance and environmental stress cracking resistance.

Chemical Engineering : Review of types of flow and fluids, Stoke?s law, concept of boundary layers.  Flow measurement by orifice, ventury, pitot tube and rotameter, screening: types of screen, capacity and effectiveness of screen; principle of size reduction: Compression impact, rubbing, cutting. Fourier law in one dimension, heat conduction through composite having plane wall, spherical and cylinderical geometry.  Forced and free convection, concept of thermal boundary layer, overall heat transfer coefficient, distribution of radiant energy, emmissivity, absorptivity, reflectivity, transmitivity, Planc?s law, Kirchoff?s law, Stefan Blodzman law, drop wise and film wise condensation, concept of heat exchanger and evaporation. Relative volatility, Rault?s law, Reflux ratio, differential distillation, flash evaporation, Azeotropic and extracted distillation, types and nature of adsorption.  Effect of temperature and pressure, Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm, drying: Batch and continuous, types of dryers, basic concepts of extraction, leaching, gas absorption. Importance of instrument in chemical industries and their classifications, presure measurement by monometers, gazes and pressure transducers, Temperature measurement: Expansion thermometer, Resistance thermometer, Thermocouple, and pyrometers, measurement of viscosity, conductivity, humidity and PH.

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