NCHMCT Joint Entrance Examination
Friday, February 7, 2025
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National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) : Exam Details

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Pattern for Written Examination 

S.N.  Subject No. of
1. Numerical Ability and Scientific Aptitude 30 3.00 (hrs)
2. Reasoning and Logical Deduction 30
3. General Knowledge 30
4. English Language 80
5. Aptitude for Service Sector 30

Language of Question Paper: 
Question Paper will be bilingual i.e. in English and Hindi (except for English Language) 

Marking Scheme for JEE Written Test: 
For each question you will be awarded one mark if you have darkened only one bubble corresponding to the correct answer. In case you have not darkened any bubble or have darkened more than one bubble, you will be awarded zero mark for that question. There will be negative marking to the extent of half mark for darkening a wrong bubble. There will be no negative marking for Aptitude for Service Sector. 

Merit List and Tie Breaking
The Category wise merit list of the selected candidates shall be based on marks secured in the Written Test. If two or more candidates have secured same marks in the Written Test, the marks obtained by the concerned candidates in the senior secondary examination i.e. 10+2 or equivalent will be taken into account for breaking the tie. The candidate awaiting result for 10+2 shall not be considered for tie breaker situation and decision of NCHMCT in such a case shall be final. In case of tie in 10+2 marks, the marks of 10 th (Secondary Examination) shall be considered for breaking the tie. In event of tie in the 10 th marks, the tie shall be eventually broken on the seniority in the date of birth.

Result of Written Test

Result of Written Test shall be announced on the web site of the National Council. Call letters for Centralised Counselling shall be mailed to the shortlisted candidates. However, candidates can download their call letter and associated conditions and directions form website i.e. by entering their roll number and attend counselling.

Centralized Counselling will be held for on the-spot allotment of Institute to candidates based on their merit and ranking in JEE. Candidates called for centralized Counselling as per schedule given in inner last page should bring original and attested copies of following certificates:

 •  Result of 10+2 (mark sheet) issued by respective Boards of Examination
 •  Proof of Age as per Secondary School Certificates.
 •  Original and Attested copies of Secondary Examination marksheet
 •  Caste / Physically Handicapped Certificate (wherever applicable)
 •  Candidates called for Counselling should also bring a non refundable requisite amount of Demand Draft drawn in favour of National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology payable at New Delhi.

Institute once allotted at the time of Counselling will be final. The National Council does not allow inter-institute transfer or migration on any ground during the duration of the course. As such, no request for transfer or migration will be entertained.

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