Sunday, March 23, 2025
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Biochemistry : Introduction

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Biochemistry is the study of the structure, composition and chemical reactions of substances in living organisms. It is an interdisciplinary program in which the principles of chemistry, biology, genetics, mathematics and physics is applied to the study or investigations of biomolecules, atoms, organelles, cells, tissues and organisms. Biochemistry is often defined as the 'chemistry of life' because it aims to explore and understand aspects of life. It is a branch of chemistry, which is concerned with the biological processes taking place in cells and organisms. Hence study of biochemistry deals with the chemical combinations and reactions which take place in biological processes such as growth, metabolism, reproduction, heredity etc, as well as the effect of  environment on living organisms. The discipline can be used to study the properties of, as well as find uses for biological molecules. Biochemistry provide the basis for biotechnology and molecular biology techniques, ranging from biomolecular computation and modeling, to regulation of gene expression.

Those who study the chemistry of living beings are called Biochemists. Biochemists study the elements, compounds and chemical reactions that are controlled by enzymes and take place in living organisms. Biochemists get into the most minute characteristics of living organisms. They delve deep into the structures and functions of biomolecules such as enzymes, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and other numerous processes related to metabolism of mankind. They are involved in production of biochemical products by experimenting, analyzing and researching. They undertake experiments and do research to study biochemical changes and also functioning of genes. They may be identifying the way in which DNA, which carries the genetic information, is transferred between cells and can be manipulated.

Biochemistry contributes to advances in a wide variety of areas, including health, agriculture and environment. Biochemistry finds application in clinical and forensic science and in the food and pharmacological industries. Biochemistry is the key player in modern biomedical research, as biochemists contribute to the design of new drugs. Biochemists working in medicine are sometimes called Molecular biologists. They study bacteria, viruses and other organisms to understand the chemical basis of life. They also determine the effects of chemicals on medical problems such as cancer, aging or obesity.


   science career , biochemistry

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