Food Technology
Thursday, February 20, 2025
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Food Technology : Introduction

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Food technology is a branch of science in which food science is applied in the manufacturing and preservation of food products. It is the application of science and technology to the treatment, processing, preservation and distribution of food. The term 'Food Technology' has a wide meaning, it deals with developing new methods and systems for keeping food products safe, resistant to the threat of natural problems like bacteria. Food Technology in simpler terms is the application of food science in manufacturing safe, wholesome and nutritious food products.  Due to the fact that food is the basic need of every human being, food technology is directly associated with the benefit of man kind. This field is so old, that research has been going on for decades, on record from the time that Louis Pasteur developed the process of Pasteurization- the process of heating milk and milk products to prevent food spoilage and destroy disease producing organisms.

India being one of the largest producer of consumable foods stuffs, need for processing is on the increase, consequently new technology in food processing and preservation is the need of the hour. The health and welfare of people everywhere depend not only on good agricultural yields but also on the reliable storage, successful processing and safe handling of all types of food. Food processing industry is one of the most technology-oriented industries which covers a range of food products. These include basic or primary foods, such as wheat and rice products, sugar, oil and pulses etc and the processes for converting them into edible form. The research and development in food technology has resulted in the production of safe and nutritious food. Food processing industry is comparatively a vast field which comprises of various processes such as quality management, primary and secondary processing, preservation, packaging and labeling of various products such as confectionery products, dairy products, fish products, meat & poultry products, fruit & vegetable products; food grains etc.

Now a days there is an ever increasing demand for packaged, processed and ready to eat foods. This requires continuous research and innovation of methods to preserve food stuff for long periods without loosing its nutritious content. Food technologists are involved in a wide variety of activities associated with providing nutritious food. They study the chemical, physical and microbiological makeup of the food. The food is processed, preserved, packaged and stored according to the specifications by industries and the government. Training in Food technology gives adequate knowledge regarding the quality analyzes of raw materials, packaging standards and methodology, health and hygiene parameters, processing techniques, storage and food value, methodologies for extracting useful byproducts from industrial and domestic waste. Thus the future of the food industries, on a global scale, is in the hands of Food technologists.

   engineering career , food science career

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