Leiden University Excellence Scholarship program (LExS)
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
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Leiden University Excellence Scholarship Program (LExS)

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Category :
Master’s Programs
Subject Areas :
International Relations & Diplomacy, Law Advanced Program
Scholarships Provided by :
Leiden University, Netherlands
Scholarships Provided to :
Talented students of all nationalities pursuing their master's degree program in Leiden University, Netherlands

Leiden University, Netherlands provides Leiden University Excellence Scholarship program (LExS) for talented students of all nationalities pursuing their master's degree program in Leiden University.

Subject Area

MSc in International Relations & Diplomacy 
Master of Law Advanced Program in 
Air & Space Law 
European & International Business Law 
International Tax Law 
Public International Law 
International Civil & Commercial Law 
Law & Digital Technologies 
European Tax Law 
European & International Human Rights Law
International Children's Rights 

Scholarship  Details

The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship program has three awards: 
€ 10.000 of the tuition fee 
€ 15.000 of the tuition fee 
Total tuition fee minus the statutory tuition fee (also referred to as home fee) 

The number and type of award of the scholarship depends on the budget available for each Faculty department. The type of award has no reflection on the students' academic level of excellence. LExS is not a full scholarship.


The candidate must have achieved excellent study results in prior academic education abroad, which are relevant for the program for which the student wishes to enrol. As an indication, the student will be among the top 10% for the relevant program followed abroad. 

The candidate will hold a non-EU/EEA passport and will not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans  This requirement does not apply to applicants who apply for a LexS for programs : 

Scholarships will not be awarded to applicants who have already obtained a Leiden University master’s degree. Students who are granted a LExS must comply with and confirm in writing their agreement with the Rules and Regulations attached to the scholarship prior to the granting of the scholarship.

Selection Procedure

The applications are reviewed by the selection committee of the relevant faculty. Students are selected on the basis of academic merit. 
All the selected applicants will be informed by the scholarship department of Student Educational Affairs.

How to Apply :

Candidates can submit the application form online through www.apply.leiden.edu/oa/Index.php and should attached all required documents on the scholarship page in the online application for the master's programs.

Documents required

Useful Contact

Leiden University Admissions Office 
‘Gravensteen’ Pieterskerkhof 6 
2311 SR Leiden, The Netherlands. 
Website: prospectivestudents.leiden.edu

   Study in Netherlands , Netherlands education , Netherlands scholarship

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