MIB Trieste School of Management MBA Scholarship
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MIB Trieste School of Management MBA Scholarship

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Areas of Study :
Business Administration
Level :
Scholarship Funded by :
MIB Trieste School of Management, Italy
Provided to :
International students to pursue MBA in MIB Trieste School of Management, Italy

MIB Trieste School of Management offers a wide portfolio of Merit Scholarships in the form of partial exemption from tuition fees.

MIB Trieste School of Management, an International Business School offering Masters, MBAs and advanced programmes. For the past 20 years, our international faculty has been passionately committed to the philosophy of empowering talents, increasing skills and strengthening leadership in order to stimulate growth in both people and companies.

MIB Trieste School of Management was founded as a non-profit organization in Trieste in 1988 through the joint efforts of high profile companies (including Generali, Allianz, illycaffè and Fincantieri) and the world of academia.

Scholarship Details

Every year MIB awards up to 20 Scholarships to MBA applicants with relevant profiles. Each Scholarship covers up to 50% of MBA tuition fee.

Amount Awarded: up to € 12.500

Scholarship can be awarded per candidate. MIB Scholarships cannot be combined among themselves.
Scholarships will be awarded considering also the quality of the scholarship motivational essays.


The Scholarships are awarded on the basis of the professional and academic achievements and according to specific criteria determined by the corporate sponsors and partners.

By judging the candidates, the Admission Committee will consider:

How to apply

Scholarship request should be completed and submitted within the MBA Application Form.

Applicants may apply to maximum 3 Scholarships simultaneously, however only 1 Scholarship can be awarded per candidate. MIB Scholarships cannot be combined among themselves.
Candidates may use at least 500 words to enlighten the aspects of their personal, academic and professional profile that may differentiate them from other applicants.
Applicants are invited to choose the scholarships which actually relate to their strengths and to carefully consider their motivations.

Scholarships may be granted only to applicants who cover as an individual (and not as company) the fees.

MIB reserves the right not to award a Scholarship if the criteria are not met to the satisfaction of the Admission Committee. All the Scholarships are subject to change without notice.
For any question, please contact the MBA Admissions Officer:
Barbara Sepic
T +39 040 9188 166


MIB Trieste School of Management
L.go Caduti di Nasiriya, 1,
34142 Trieste
Phone : +39 040 9188 111
Fax : +39 040 9188 112
Email: Contact Now
Website : mib.edu/

   MIB Trieste School of Management Scholarship , MBA Scholarships , Scholarships to study in Italy education.

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